Sooo... My 21st Birthday is this Friday, and we're getting as many people together as we can, dressing as elegantly as possible and going to the
Miami City Ballet at the Philips Center. Click the link for ticket price and such, its at 7:30pm. You can get ahold of me at any time during the day at 281-2920. We might be doing dinner or something as well. You should join us. :)
Who would possibly miss a chance to dress up and go to a ballet? I think tickets are $10 or students or $25 otherwise. We'll probably be in the balcony. Yep... okay then.
"[Also] in celebration of my on Friday and Clarence and Amanda's birthdays on Saturday, Club Red's dappering things up a bit for the evening. Come out in your most decadently elegant regalia (and don't worry -- they'll be sure to have the AC at full bore ;)) They'll have prizes for best dressed as well as Ballroom dancing by request ;)"