a bunch of stolen material i feel like sharing

Jul 06, 2009 21:55

So starcraft 2 will not have any LAN play ability. Unless they make up for this with some sort of "spawn" ability that was in the first, I will most likely boycott. Heres a quote from ars:
"...a large part of gaming's past is being de-emphasized. This story isn't over, but for now, LAN gamers are going to angrily shake our canes at the younger gamers and even Blizzard. And the company used to be so welcome on our lawn."

Now into the political spectrum.

Allow me to fix America's health care system. Democrats and Republicans are currently busy lobbing bad ideas and childish complaints back and forth. As entertaining as this is, it doesn't solve the health care dilemma facing this country. So, once again, here are some solutions that are terrible, but completely worthy of the species.

1. Let people suffer and die - To me, this is Option A. As a wise man once said: Sometimes the best solution is no solution. Okay, so no wise man ever said that, but he would have if he were as lazy as me. The point being, neither the government nor taxpayers nor doctors gave you cancer. So either get God to pony up the dough or shut up and die with dignity, you chromosomal loser.

2. Lottery - Exactly what it sounds like. Anyone in need of medical attention enters their name in a drawing, and once a week each state draws a name at random to see who receives treatment. If the person selected dies while waiting for the drawing, we simply draw again until we get to someone living. And whether you're a brilliant scientist, a captain of industry or an unemployed drunk, you have an equal chance of being selected. After all, "All men are created equal." And according to our beliefs, we remain equal. Even if you end up being a worthless piece of shit.

3. Mandatory Medical Education - This would require all citizens to complete a 6-month course so they can handle their own medical problems. I actually like this plan quite a bit, because unlike our health care system, America's education system is top-notch.

4. Fake Documents For All - Under this plan, the government would distribute fake documents to all Americans so we could take advantage of the universal health care in countries like Canada without actually living in those douche-burgs.

5. The "Best Medicine" Plan - Testing the idea that laughter is the best medicine, this plan will attempt to induce laughter in patients in an effort to cure them. Congress was eager to invoke this plan, but there was a slight hiccup when they discovered that showing the patient footage of Dane Cook resulted in a condition known as "hanging yourself with a belt." They hope the next round of tests will go better, when they show patients episodes of "According to Jim."

6. The "Things Could be Worse" Plan - This will do nothing to improve the patient's condition, but will make them feel better about it. It's simple: If a person comes in with the flu, they are shown a person with herpes. If a person comes in with a broken arm, they are shown a person with AIDS. If a person comes in with cancer, they are shown a pregnant woman.

7. The "Doctor's Discretion" Plan - This plan will cover all Americans, but it will be up to doctors to decide whether or not they want to admit a patient. For example, if the doctor is racist, he gets to decide if he wants to treat a minority. Or if the doctor is a religious nut, he doesn't have to treat homosexuals or assist in the birth of a bastard child. Or the doctor might just want a nap. This is going to be great. Just like going to the post office or DMV.

8. The "Nothing is Your Fault" Plan - This plan will provide full coverage to over-eaters, smokers, alcoholics, people with STDs and anyone else with self-inflicted problems. Because accepting responsibility for your life and facing consequences is the worst disease of all.

And one final stolen quote on twitter.

I'm not the biggest geek in the world but I consider myself to still be very geeky and I find this to be the most pointless waste of time and effort I've heard about since Twitter. Virtual lawsuits? Only if I can DM the lawyers.

I don't think us geeks are going to be complaining about the music kids listen to these days or getting off the lawn, we'll just bitch about how the impractical and useless the latest techno-geek fad is. "Twitter? What, blogs with RSS updates aren't good enough for you, son? Back in my day--"

"Back in your day your CPU only had one core and you liked it, right? Your polygons didn't even have textures, you had to customize your config.sys and autoexec.bat just to play--"

"Aw, shut up. And get off my lawn."

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