Take a look ahead, take a look ahead. look ahead.

Apr 21, 2008 12:50

I moved in at Jon's. I like it here a lot, though it's quite a change. I loved my old place, but this is a pretty cool set up. Jay and Jon do rock pretty hard and it's a lot of fun here. Problem is, it's just like college and I really have to focus to get work done...there's too much fun to be had hanging out.

So I've been ripping my hair out over all my school work. I've been working on something for the better part of two weeks, massive paper working on this week and no end in sight. I would be relieved that I only have a couple of weeks left...but that means I have two weeks to do five weeks worth of work. Pretty lame. I'm worried about some of my grades, need to work harder and finish out strong.

I haven't really worked out in a month, sides from karate. I've been too busy. It's lame.I didn't go to the tournament a couple of weeks ago. I had no money and truly nothing good prepared. I'd rather not go than do poorly. However, this means my ranking didn't raise, I really want to get into the finals. So I'm preparing to go to the next in June. Will be a fun trip to New Hampshire!

Going to Chicago in May! Beach house in July! Maine in August!

The weather has been wonderful! It's so distracting though!

Been hanging with my friends a lot. Hung out with Cristy last week. It was really nice. Getting really annoying that Becca and I keep playing phone tag...I gotta stop being so busy. HAd some adventures with my friends, hopefully it's a sign of the summer to come!

Well, back to work! More detailed entries when the shit dies down.
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