Well I've been in love, So just hold on long enough, And maybe you'll end up together

Jan 20, 2008 23:44

Well, amazingly enough, I'm still alive! I had to have surgery last week to repair a hernia. It was totally lame. I've been ignoring it for such a wicked long time, and then it got really bad in the past month. Major surgery is as stupid as it sounds. I was on my couch from Friday till Tuesday and no one told me of the viK side effects and it was pretty weak all around. But I'm recovered partially, it doesn't hurt much anymore. I might have a cool scar. Just have to be careful moving around. I've been going into these deep sleeps where I sleep all day and wake up a little more healed...just like a vampire!

And no working out or karate till March.....

That's actually something that pisses me off. I'm going to lose so much physical ability. It's not cool, particularly because it's going to take till summer to get back to making progress, as opposed to just getting back to where I was at before.

In other news, I have been hung up on a missed opportunity during the summer and I'm missing a friend. They're quasi related too, so it's lame. I think about it everytime I drive to school because I pass by that ice cream stand. I'm sure everything will be better and I'll be able to hang with my friend soon. Hope things turn out well.

School this week, I'm a ultra nerd and am excited about it.
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