Jul 29, 2009 16:01
Unfortunately, in my life... the ol' saying "when it rains is pours" is almost a bankable absolute truth.
Almost to a laughable point, like seeing a cliché come to life before your eyes... (they became a cliché for a reason... which most tend to forget)
Or... "things come in threes". This too happens to me. Though, more towards "more than threes, lets realistically say sixes".
They say what you put out in the world.. and what you give.. is what you get....
Fine. Then why am I not a millionaire that is beyond happy??!!
Struggle strengthens the soul. Damn.. my soul is stronger than the immaculate child of Superman and Mother Theresa.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Why pray-tell am I not in strong man competitions (for literal interpretation), or have the steel will of Batman where nothing affects me?
Bring on the quotes.
I will survive this recession, my gf will find a job, and will take down the bastards that sexually harassed and edged her out of their boys club job sooner than was supposed to happen. I will find a roommate. I will get out of debt.
Doesn't mean that some of us are the dumping grounds for Murphy.
Odd that venting sometimes you can be in anger, tears, frustration... and sometimes.. with an ironic lopsided grin on the face. Perhaps it's cause I'm not alone.