this one gets a little rough...can you handle it?
What would you do/feel if...
you woke up and you were the opposite sex and had to be for 48 hours?: I would be totally excited. I've always wanted to be a guy for a few days. I'd hurt a girl's feelings, get head, and comfortably pee outside.
you witnessed someone get murdered?: I think it would be surreal.
you saw big foot?: Take a picture with my cool Chocolate phone and put it as my wallpaper.
you couldn't speak for two weeks?: I'd probably finally get text messaging put back on my phone.
someone you loved hated you?: I would probably cry and then drink until I couldn't feel feelings.
you became ruler of the world?: I would probably fuck it all up and turn the world into a huge rave.
you were a witch?: I would fly around and probably mildly hurt people I don't like.
the world was going to end in 24 hours?: I would go home and be with my family and pray.
gas ran out?: Walk.
you could stop time?: Catch up on sleep.
you could travel through time?: I would spend eternity in the weekend that I was in New York with John.
you could breath fire?: Light candles and start bon fires and the like.
you won a billion dollars?: Buy a house in L.A., Manhattan, Paris, Miami, Australia, and Hong Kong.
you had the choice between marrying someone rich or someone poor for love?: Love. Rich people are usually assholes.
how far...
would you travel to get to surprise someone you love or care about?: To the god damn moon.
would you go for what you believe in?: Mars.
would you go to make your dreams come true?: Well I already started with L.A., now I'm going to New York.
away from your love or crush are you right now?: I'm at the very South West coast of the country and he's at the North East.
from home are you?: I'm at home.
gone are you?: I've been running on nothing but caffine all day.
do you wish to be right now?: The Slipper Room.
do you want to travel to?: Spain, Australia, Paris, Hong Kong.
do you want to get married?: St. Patrick's Cathedral, or something.
do you go to take time alone?: Point Dume.
do you like to go to party and be with friends?: Rage. Duh.
is the ideal place for a quiet night out?: Yokosharma's tea garden.
is the ideal place for a date?: Point Dume.
is your love?: Rosie Migdal, Stephanie Hankins, Madelyne Sarnacki, Zach Bridges, etc.
is your crush?: Johnny Mac.
is your dream?: Johnny Mac.
is your obsession?: my cousin Mazden.
is your ideal mate?: I don't know yet.
makes you smile?: My parents, my brother, my LA family, my best friends, my coworkers.
makes you laugh?: My brother, Mark Roslan, Johnny Mac.
makes you cry?: Danny.
makes you want to break things?: Priscilla Hankins and Jason Pate.
makes you want to hurt them?: Fuckin...everyone.
is your best friend?: Zach Bridges and Rosie Migdal.
are you taking this survey?: It was in Beth's journal and I'm bored.
did you decided to take this survey in the first place?: It was in Beth's journal and I'm bored.
do you want to be doing right now?: Packing.
is your favorite kind of donut?: Plain.
do you do when no one is around?: Sing, shower, squeeze blackheads.
have you been doing today?: Getting things ready for Kelly's birthday.
makes you so special or not special?: My fucking aura. Ask anyone.
kinds of things do you love to do that most people find odd?: Get choked.
makes you different than all the rest?: I don't know. Ask someone else.
is your favorite time of day and why?: Night. I party and talk to Johnny Mac.
is your favorite time of year and why?: Summer. D.E.M.F., Camp Dearborn, and ComiCon.
did you do yesterday?: Worked at Express 975 for the last time and cried.
will you be doing when you're done with this survey?: Packing and talking to Johnny Mac.
do you dream about?: Nothing consistent.
are some of your long term goals?: Have a family and a job that I love after seeing the world.
do you want to have and be in five years?: My own apartment and a career and a body that will still rock your fucking world. I don't know.