Hey all. I'm working on chapter 8 of "Breathing is a Necessity" and it's looking to be the longest chapter(I may end up condensing it or splitting it). I'm a little concerned about it.
My earlier chapters in this story moved at a fast-pace compared to this newest chapter. I find myself wondering if it's overly-detailed or unnecessary. I've always had a tendency to flip between scenes of humor and angst but there's some points in this newest chapter that have both at once. I wonder if by incorporating the angst and humor together in various scenes that I'm cheapening the story overall.
So I'd like to ask if anyone was interested in test-reading it before I officially submit it as chapter 8 of my story?
It'd be great if I could get some detailed input about what did or didn't work, or what you may change. It should be the second to last chapter, and Ill gladly include a thank-you kudos in the author's notes. Feel free to respond here or in a PM if you're interested.
And just as a warning depending on what people tell me, the chapter I submit to you for review is incomplete and will likely be different from the final product. <.<
Link to the original story if you'd like to see it: