Title: The Stableboy's Dilemma
silverfoxflower Fandom: Pheniox Wright
Genre: PWP, Slash, Humor
Word Count: ~1500
Pairing: Edgeworth/Pheniox
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: OOC Edgeworth, because it amuses me to make him a secret!perv for crackish purposes.
Notes: Fills a postage stamp (Body and Body Parts, Held down, Domestic/Tradesman, Penance/Punishment) on my
kink_bingo . See my card here. Also the sequel of The Poolboy's Temptation (formerly Use Me, Amuse Me, but I decided until I decided that I hated
that title XD).
Summary: "Alright, so tricking Wright into debt and forcing him into menial labor in order to ogle his sweaty body sounded bad when said out loud, but it was all for a good cause. The cause of putting more delicious images into Edgeworth's mental masturbatory catalog (he detested the colloquial term 'wank bank')."
Disclaimer: No ownership was claimed in the making of this porn
Read the prequel
HERE! (“I really need to stop playing poker,” Phoenix mumbled as he trailed behind Edgeworth into the stable.)