Title: His Eyes (Follow Your Eyes)
Series: Axis Powers: Hetalia
Characters/Pairings: Denmark, Norway. Den/Nor.
Rating: PG-13 for heavily alluded sexual content.
Summary: There is nothing strange about sleeping in the same bed, unless of course you want more. And when your bedmate is your ex, that may just be a given. Part one of either two of three
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Also, icon love. ♥
Pfft, I like that one , too.
FUCKING THIS. God, so tired of starting a promising fic only to have the author insert a flashback to Denmark doing something unforgivable. Ugh, Denmark's not the only one who gets that treatment, though. All unequal past relations are subject to this. Except for Poland, who was just a jerk, 'cause apparently he's not manly enough for the rougher stuff. The fuck?
Oops, better head off to work now, before I indulge in a rant. And italics abuse.
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