Aug 31, 2009 10:27
alright so its the first day of school and im turning one of the colleges comps into a workhorse to adjust some files ive needed taken care of for a week or more now, nothing major, just augmenting cbr files to be read on my ds.... in my algebra class today there was a comment made by the professor:
"zero is the most important number in math"
i'll forego the context in which the statement was said as it does seem to prove true to his point, but also suggest that it should be thought about in its greater existential sense. zero the loser, the lame duck, the nothing, both literally and figuratively becomes the most important thing. i guess this is something theres a handful of programers out there know, because its those "zeros" that crash your hard drive revolutionize the way you do things or even change our entire cultural lexicon (face it how many times have you used the term "google it" or quoted southpark...)
think about that one later, when youre feeling beaten down or completely alien in a room full of drunken 20 somethings, you may be odd but get some time and you might be able to buy these assholes.