not having a job blows! im bored all the time now. but then again not having a job is cool, cos i get to sit around, read books and make an effort at writing scripts all day. my biggest problem is the money problem. im still spending like a badass mofo. like buying a batman costume online (see figure 1.1)... yea you heard it. This will be the offical announcement of my buying of the batman costume online. on the downside, it says that it takes 1 to 3 weeks to deliever. it this thing doesnt come before holloween people are getting cut!
figure 1.1: one badass batman costume
alright, im also gonna annouce that no one will be allowed in the happennin' party in this house on holloween unless they have a costume. that is if there even is a happennin' party, which there will be if i have anything to do about it.