Jan 31, 2006 11:04
I think this week will be fun...I am now allowed to go riding by myself in the arena (for those of you who didn't know, I'm riding my roommate's horse, so she's protective of who rides them and when)so I'm going to try and start making that a fairy regular habit, for the mental health of myself and the physical health of Sleepy (the horse)...I really hate making life decisions. There is so much I want to do with my life and it seems like I don't have enough time, but really it's just that I want to do it all now...and I really should just spread it out, not go nuts trying to do everything at once. For example, I love the living situation I'm in...with the horses and stuff...but I don't know if I want to stay for the summer. I know it'd be fun to stay for the summer...but a part of me is still in Shoreline. I would also like to study abroad...but I don't know how that'd work money-wise. I think it'd be a great way to travel with only a little expense and I would be learning at the same time. I also really wanna go back to L'Abri in the fall, but it's looking less and less like that's going to happen because of school and stuff. I feel like I need to stop thinking about the pressure by different people about what to do with myself and just figure it out for myself. (if that makes any sense). And I realize that I can do college, L'Abri, or traveling at any point in my life...but I'm just impatient or something.
But anyways, this week is going to be fun, because
1) I'm getting two midterms and a speech out of the way
2) I'm going to start riding more regularly and hopefully figure out how to get up on the horse bareback...so tall!
3) My friend Mitch is coming over for dinner on Wednesday and doing homework with me and Lisa (roommate)
4) I'll be going home the weekend after this for the wedding of the Thwings
5) I'm making a fried egg sandwich when I go home
6) I'm craving ice cream
So...that's what I'm up to. Love you Shorelineans/Seattlites and see some of you in a couple weeks!