Attn - Media, unwashed masses: Stop saying “cyber”

Oct 24, 2011 12:10

As the title says, please stop saying “cyber”. It means nothing. More specifically, what it does mean is “blah blah networks and/or security”. In the industry, this is so non-specific that it essentially means nothing anyways.

As a security engineer, I get pretty sick of seeing/hearing the term “cyber” thrown around to describe pretty much anything I do. Cyber security, cyber attack, cyber defense. Our team doesn’t sit down in a conference room discussing “how are the cyber defenses on company X holding up?”, or “company Y has been experiencing a higher number of cyber-threats recently”. Nobody says crap like that in real life. I decided to see how little the term actually gets thrown around. I know we never use it verbally except while making “air quotes” with our fingers and making fun of the sorts of people who DO actually say it. But I thought I should at least check my email to see if it ever sneaks its way in unnoticed.

I have 9001 emails in my inbox from the last six months or so when I last hit the “I cant send email anymore because I have too much crap in my inbox” button. 102 matched the search term “cyber”.

- A little more than half was vendor spam from companies I deal with, promoting new products, services, and whatnot else.
- A little less than half was internal emails from our global or pre-sales groups, discussing news or vendor spam.
- To my surprise there was in fact a single legitimate ticket email in the last 6 months with the term “cyber” in it.

I had to look into that one ticket to find out what the deal was. It was a ticket for a BlueCoat issue, and nowhere did the term cyber seem to appear. However there was a sysinfo attached (like a “show tech” for BlueCoat boxen), and tucked in there was a reference to a russian domain name containing the word “cyber”. That’s what had matched.

Close call, but in the end I was right. Nobody in my workplace actually uses the term “cyber” in referene to what goes on in the realm of network security.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.


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