One way to burn a day off

Aug 27, 2008 09:13

So I got bored and impulsive on Tuesday.

It's a stylized version of the greek letter Phi, got it on the inside of my right forearm. It represents the Golden Ratio. I got the design from a similar one I found surfing around. For the lazy, it's a number that shows up all over the place in math, science, nature, art, architecture, etc. I wanted something nerdy that didn't look nerdy at a glance. This worked out well for me. I'd been wanting to get something for a long while, and I'm happy with my choice. The place I got it at was cleaner and brighter inside than some dentist offices I've been in, I was very impressed. Didn't hurt at all really, a scratch from Dezzy hurts more.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

health, nerd, ramblings

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