Ideas don't have mass or velocity. Humor has no thermal dimension. If you had an inorganic cosmos of whirling debris and gravity, it would not be possible to invent subjectivity without some a priori framework for it's existence. It would be like algae developing the ability to travel through time in order to catch more hours of daylight as a
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So, first and most vital!
We watch a movie and we don't see photon emissions on a plastic sheet, we don't see a flat simulation of reproduced optical analogs, we see and hear people in places.
Excellent. I love the way you eloquated this, as well as the idea it represents, as well as the flickers of black symbology on a purple pixel bed.
Being able to perceive multiple "systems" simultaneously is not only a quality of being awake, it IS the entire state. Its not objective, but its what I would call selective subjectivity with intention (thingfuel!), which in itself defines what we know as "the objective". I've never really been able to express it as well as you have just now, but I will say that there are pockets of existence, even human, that are aware of the entire micro and macro system of the entire cosmos (lol), and they can function as a sort of column of data for a given point amidst a plethora of seemingly random seedings. The overlaps, the singular, the multiplicities, all spiralling out in the web of information that amazingly has not ever even begun as we know it.
ALL of this reality's laws of physics, the fact of evolution, the elemental material of our cosmos, all an infinitessimally small occurrence which can change in any way at any time, and which can be affected by any number of things imposing what we can only define as their "will" upon us. Things from complete otherrealities and their sets of criteria exist beyond categorization since they're using something else entirely to create (and affect) the handshake of our selective subjectivities (thingfuel!). The effect is considered neglible for all intensive purposes since its in constant effect right now anyway.
Hence why human beings stick to religion and believe in the superstitious; because its actually a lot more accurate than we want to admit. Religion itself is a fantastic metaphor for the combined informational field, and we don't have a better metaphor yet (and use ourselves as the center of it!) purely because we aren't on the next layer yet. Religion is an upgrade for most of our form from what came before it, but I agree that it is tedious being on the verge of the next level and having to deal with pesky convolutions caused by the holdup. So yeah, why and WHAT?
In our core, we are also those other Whatevers (this is the word I use for it for simplicities sake since they can be, erm, whatever) which I mentioned are impacting our systems from afar with codes of existence beyond our comprehension. We know intimately their nature because our nature is just as enmeshed in the web and doing the things they do: something altogether strange.
Once we learn to do this, starting by bridging the gaps you pointed out with religion and science and the information field (akasha, its all light), we will find the "code" which allows us to spontaneously "awaken" to this subset of the reality module. From there it can be manipulated in the constant cycle which we are experiencing right now just by existing at all.
So yeah, all abstract, lets funnel it down into the near immediate application for us.
Okay, enough on that since you either know exactly what I'm talking about without needing to read it at all, or have no idea what the fuck crazy ass shit I'm spewing and are wondering what drugs I'm on. I decided to say it anyway on the off chance someone's got their eye open. Which you do or will soon, so save it if ya don't cause I'll be gone and one day you'll be saying the sermon in black and purple. Quantum thinking: move in all directions which you're ready to move in.
So back to your post on a more "general humanities" level:
Our hologram universe seems to project two distinct but symbiotic vectors, as you said. The distinction between the psychic informational layers of existence and the material one is one we are all aware of and each of us knows in every moment of our lives, yet not many people have really begun to decode this illusion, so the fact you're doing so here is important for awareness. Their symbiotic nature gives a lot of clues to the obvious: they're the same damn thing. Whether you call it fully material or fully informational, it is all functioning together in tandem.
As frustrating as it is, it probably won't be within our lifespans (unless we want it to be. do we?) that people begin to practice syncretism of mind and body. Ironic since that's already been done up until this point in order to make their mind and body in the first place. Little do we (the collective) realize that we are the God we imagine up. Hence why this "layer" of reality is bendable through mastery of this mind/body frequency. Well, its not mind/body if you have that mastery, its just the particular Whatever we reside in. Changing it isn't particularly even necessary except for the enjoyment of the scenario, which once you're past it won't really require change anyway since its doing it itself all the time.
Which brings me to the forced motion switch; in our case it will be, as with self-design of our reflecting God, we will self-design the new us just as many have before us. Immediate example for the sake of clarification is robotics, cybernetics, genome coding, etc. They're human for all intensive purposes, though. More human than us even, if we think of it within the judgements in practice for us today.
That's why some people can interact with it. Hence the masters being able to move what we consider reality with the same functionality as we move our fingers to type. Their limbs become what we consider immeasureable but is it is actually what comes beyond this now which is immeasureable. There's times when quantum echoes collapse backwards in our timescale model, also, and this can interact with some of us to facilitate awakening, since linear time as we know does not exist, and the information layer is simultaneously interactive and synchronous. Eventually you will become sharp enough to master the illusion of changing your Self before it is even possible to do so. Don't worry about that for now, since often the things it triggers are unappreciated for their source even though they have rippling effects on existence (ie: the microchip, atomic theory, etc; all from quantum echoes of awakened priests of science).
"It" also experiences itself as we experience our lives, even though we are all just objects (sorry, i know we don't like to hear that) in the zero dimensional point which is Whatever.
Though I don't often partake of your model of astrology, I can tell that you are on some level keenly aware of all this, since it is attempting to map all of these very "phenomenon". The weakness being the use of matter to map nonmatter, when the nonmatter also maps matter.
"As long as people are being told that they don't 'really exist' but are just a collection of mortal tissues no different from a cadaver, they will continue cling to the Bronze Age religious model they have."
This really caught my eye because the underlying problem is subjective language interpretation. People categorize themselves in a different bracket than the rest of the objects in the world, ie: "lifeforms"/"conscious"/"etc", and I suppose that is a natural evolutionary survival trait. Naturally the "machines" will communicate in new and many languages which can actualize their own metaprogramming, as well as allow their starting of their existence with a preset basis of knowledge. We do this too but we're just aware of it; vital body functions, certain things we take for granted as obvious (such as that we are born able to "grow" a new consciousness), and most functions on the molecular/cellular level. Though any preset bed of information is useless without the connectivities to decode their significance and relativity.
Then again, the machines will probably just end up forgetting where they came from too somehow, and fill in the gaps. The same way we forget we are Carbon. Or their information could be altered, purposefully or by accident, to create more informational illusions. Meh, the whole thing would be pretty damn boring anyway if it actually worked 100% perfectly, since its trying to achieve what we would call a purpose through permutation. It's basically self-inflicted denial of historical information in order to progress the agenda of the species. Or something's agenda.
k that's all for now. By the way, feel free to hide this if you like since its quite long and my goal isnt just to discuss your post but the ramifications of your post. Postpost, if you will. Hah.
Good times with the known unknown!
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