Nov 12, 2007 00:09
How about the question as fundamental unit of intelligence? Computers are based on microtransistors - a piece of hardware designed to be rapidly questioned and controlled. That's the thing about a transistor, not only can it be set to a binary value of on or off, but you can query that value without affecting it. Operating systems too typically rely on some kind of prompt for input. Programs are series of commands to check for values...logical trees which branch off on nodes that invite answers...IF THEN, ON ELSE. This logic rests on the underlying processing, running through memory locations, endlessly checking values and comparing them.
So if our minds work in a similar way, at least in part, then it makes sense that of all the patterns it is the pattern which invites pattern that is most essential to our experience and closest to the ineffable substrate from which consciousness emerges. The pattern of the question, although it seems unique to human's not even a kind of a sentence, really anything can be made into a question; "more?", "question?", etc, but can we really say that the Universe has no questions, no ability to question without human beings on the surface of this one planet?
No, questions are not merely epistemological and human, they are ontological and elemental. Pattern explains itself, it defines itself by what it isn't. Everything that exists or can exist emerges out of a cosmic context that links it to everything else. The holographic reference system is based on some kind of sense of perfection or completion - a teleological potential which is somehow implicit but is rarely fully expressed in timespace.
Molecules may not have questions but they certainly have an agenda. They carry a multitude of discrete possibilities for combining and separating into simpler components. They seek specific ideal states, they are prepared for manifesting them should the opportunity arise. In the mean time, they query their environment somehow. Maybe not in a sequential cycle like a microprocessor, maybe the opposite, through it's very stasis it's identity is accomplished...a node of fixed probabilities in permanent queryless availability to be acted upon. Matter may not need to question, it is that to which questions are subject.
Living things, as opposed to inanimate materials are inherently curious. About food and sex mainly, but sometimes about how to better survive or piece together a more complete frame of reference about their universe. Evolution can take twists and turns, seemingly devolving and running into dead ends, but the evolution of consciousness seems to be predicated on the absolute quality and quantity of questions. It's pretty clear that there is a positive correlation between the proliferation of new questions and explosions of novelty, each driving the other to advance liberal arts and science, culture, technology, and ultimately quality of life. Where questioning is discouraged, fear and tyranny take hold, and it is always the goal of tyranny to provide reasons why questions should not or need not be asked. It is literally the process by which power is removed from large populations and transferred to small groups of seemingly less-than-human vessels of greed and aggression.
There's some more about quests and Sagittarius (with moon conjuncting Jupiter tomorrow) about philosophy, stories, allegory, metaphor, variables, mathematics, abstraction, imagination and human potential. I dunno, I should try to go to sleep. Happy Monday y'all.