Dec 20, 2005 22:00
this is so lame. i feel fine like all day and as soon as he calls and hes with some other girls i feel crappy. even when i know the other girls n it really shouldnt matter.
bombays been fun for 2 days tho. i went and sat with tuli at cafe mondys for the whole day monday drinking beer and talking and then walked around causeway with kanika till about 7. then i had to go visit my stepmother and all and eat dinner with them.. which was ok cuz they made pani puri :) and then we got strawberrys n cream! n then i had to come all the way back in a train at like 10 and i was scared out of my ass ubt whatever i was ok. i got back and talked to my grandma till forever... and alyosha got home this morning so ive been w/ him and annie all day cuz i was too lazy to go out.
im supposed to meet my ex from 6th grade tonight but i dont feel up to it. basically were gonna have nothing to talk about and things are gonna be so weird... but i keep blowing him off so its got to happen sooner or later...
so tomorrow is beer day again. and then maybe clubbing at night. and aeshas party the day after that i REALLY dont wanna go to. and then the weekend which will be awesome cuz of the party on saturday.. xmas eve. i really wish i had a digicam still...