I'll be gone for...9 days, startiing tomorrow

Mar 10, 2005 00:41

so i'm going to maryland tomorrow. I'm really excited, unlike how i felt when i first found out i was going. I was just really upset because my grandparents wouldn't have told me that I was going until like the day before, unless i had asked them if Jess could come down this weekend...which I did. When they said no, they had to explain why because they always go on about how i can always have friends down here, although I never do...I was hoping Jess would be able to come this weekend. Anyways, it's gonna be really fun because i'm close to my aunt and uncle...but i've never gone and stayed with them. They're really cool, they;re like...32. My aunt just got pregnant, which means i'm going to have a cousin in...July...i think, either june or July, so I'm excited about that. I get to go to college with my uncle, who's the head sailing coach at St Marry's college. He's the best college sailing coach in the US, if not the world...His team has one the Nationals for the last billion years or something crazy like that. So I'll get to hang out with college kids all day which should be fun. I'm gonna help run this huge regatta this weekend, which should be exciting. My aunt who teaches 8th grade is gonna take a day off from school and go into DC with me and do all the touristy things iwth me and stuff, so i'm really excited about that...I've never really gotten to spend that much time with her, just her. They've been married two years, and she's absolutly amazing. I love her to death. My uncle was married before...for like 8 years, to Becca who all of us thought was the most amazing person, but she broke up with him...and I still dont know exactly why...but anyways, once we all met Amy, we decided that by marrying her...he was even upgrading from Becca, which was huge....if that makes any sense.

Anyways I'm really excited.

I'm just worried about Dre...She's having problems with Chris and i'm really worried about her. I hope she's okay.

I'm also really worried about Marc. He and Shannon just broke up...he found out that she was cheating on him. They'd been together for awhile...and I guess he really loved her. I worry about him a lot. He's a strong kid...but with his whole pot-issue, and now this...I'm really worried about him. Two weeks ago when I was up in mass, Nate and Doug found out that Marc had smoked...after being sober for 6 days. They flipped out on him, and started saying the most hurtful things...They had me crying and screaming at them to stop being so awful to them. It was really really bad, and the thing is that they really do care about him...I understand that they're fed up with Marc saying he's gonna quit and then smoking after he's been sober for almost a week. But honestly, give the kid a fucking break. I realize that at times it's ruining the band...but smoking pot once, after being sober for almost a week...on a weekend, when he didnt have band practice or anything that day shouldn't make the guys that angry at him. Nate tends to really over react to things...Just like when he flipped out on Erica and Dre for this whole thing with a few skinheads threatening to kill us. It wasn't there fault, and i honestly don't believe they could've done anything about it, even though they were at the place where the people where making the threats.

Nate was on the phone with Erica that night screaming at her and saying really hurtful things...and he got me crying...again. I guess its just that I know he doesnt even realize how much he's hurting these people when he says these things. He's not thinking. He's a smart kid too..I don't mean to say that he's not a smart kid, and he doesn't have a bad temper or anything...he's not violent. he's one of the nicest, goofiest kids that i've ever met...but it's just that I really think he overreacts to a lot of things.

Anyways, Ive been talking to Abby a lot recently which has been interesting. It's been nice to talk to her, after not talking to her for over 6 months.

I hope Jim's having a good time down at Bike Week in flordia...Haha, fucking Biker White Trash. I love Jim...and he's really not white trash, or a biker guy either. He's one of the most amazing people that i've ever met. That's the only way to describe him..

Alright, I'm falling asleep at my laptop...and i'm not even really reading what i'm saying because i'm having such a hard time keeping my eyes open, so I'm going to go...because I want to wake up early tomorrow..Meaning before 11, and get ready and hopefully talk to Dre or something. I hope she's okay...I hope things work out with Chris. i have a feeling they will, even if it means that they take a break or something.

I tried calling Jess a million times tonight but she didnt pick up...I dunno what's up...she told me to call her bacck in a half hour...this is at like 1030, and I did and no one picked up...so i figured she was in the other room having a cigarette or something, so i called back like 10 times...up until 1215, when i figured that it was too late and maybe she'd just fallen asleep.

I'm falling asleep.

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