So I'm bored....and LJ wasn't working last night

Jan 21, 2005 16:58

So I'm really bored, or rather I was because LJ was down last night and it wouldnt let me post this. Fuck them.

Bored? ((Over 100 questions))

Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 63756 times on bzoink!
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]What's your name? ::Ben/GarfunkleBirthplace ::BostonAge ::14Age you act ::I dont know...Current location ::New York :(Eye color ::Blue-GreenHair color ::Blonde-BrownRight, lefty or ambidextrous? ::RightyZodiac sign? ::SagitariousHeight? ::5 8 [x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]Your heritage/nationality ::Latvian/Sorta a mix of a bunch of British Countries/Native AmericanYour hair ::GarfunkledYour fears ::Death, loosing my friends, being left alone.Your perfect room ::Ahh I can't begin to descriveWhat you practically do in a day ::Sleep, wake up, eat, listen to music, play guitar, talk online, go on myspace ,sleep[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]Words you overuse ::Fuck, Bitch, Gangsta, love, yeaPhrases you overuse ::fuck yea nigga, haha, I love you(not that I don't mean it...i just say it alot, although I guess i never overuse it)Your first thought when you wake up ::I want to go back to sleepYour greatest accomplishment ::I dont knowSomething you want to do ::Move back to Hingham[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]Pepsi or Coke ::CokeMcDonald's or Burger Kings ::neitherBritney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::they're both grossChocolate or vanilla ::chocolateAdidas or Nike ::....i dont know, i wear pumas:)Black or white ::blackBills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::billsBurgers or hot dogs ::neitherEgypt or France ::franceRock or rap ::rock[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]Smoke ::yepCuss ::yeaSing well ::I like to pretendSing in the shower ::Haha, sometimesTalk to yourself --a lot-- ::sometimesBelieve in yourself ::OccasionalyLike taking these longass surveys? ::yepPlay an instrument ::yeas, guitarWant to go to college? ::On my good daysWant to get married? ::YepWant to have children? ::Yesssss, yes. Think you're a health freak? ::nopeGet along with your parents ::not reallyGet along with your siblings? ::when i see him, yea.Think you're popular ::not really, but i have a good group of friends[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]Gone out of state ::I'm out of the state right now...although i've been for the past yearDrank alchohal ::YesSmoke ::yeaGet high ::yepDone any drugs ::yeasEaten an entire box of oreos ::nopeBeen on stage ::yeaGone skinny dipping ::nopeBeen dumped ::nopeDyed your hair ::nopeStolen anything ::yep[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]Craziest ::We're all crazy...maybe nate, he's just funny...Loudest ::Hmm...kate is wicked loud...wicked loud.Most shy ::taraBlondest ::I dont hang out with blondie people...Smartest ::Maybe JimKindest ::They're all kind...but maybe Jim, or AaronBest personality ::I love them all..Most talented ::doug, or marcBest singer ::THat's wayyy too hardMost ghetto ::Doug is so fucking ghettoDrama Queen ((or King XP)) ::King XP? That's a new one...I dont know though.Pain in the ass ::Aaron sometimes.The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::Will West, but he's not my friend.Funniest ::NateBest person for advice ::Jim, Nate, Kelley, Lindsey...Dependable ::JimTrustworthy ::I trust em allDruggie ::Aaron/marcMost likely to end up in jail ::Maybe Aaron...but i have a feeling that he'll clean upPerson you've known the longest ::Willie-11 years.[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]Last dream ::I ordered a mail order bride, and she came...when my mom was home, but pretended to be a pizza deliver girl, and then she turned into a hooker. It was weird.Last nightmare ::I dont really remember.Car ride ::EarlierLast time you cried ::a few days agoLast movie seen ::Clockwork OrangeLast movie rented ::Sid and NancyLast book read :: I'm reading the Merchant of VeniceLast word said ::ByeLast curse word said ::FuckLast time you laugh ::earlier today at the dentistLast phone call ::Aaron called last nightLast CD played ::I'm listening to the doorsLast song you listened to ::Doors- moonlight driveLast annoyance ::My grandfatherLast IM ::MannleLast weird encounter ::The other night, on DXMLast person you hugged ::Kelley, last ModayLast person you yelled at ::my grandfatherLast time you wore a skirt ::A year or so ago.Last time you've been evil ::I dont rememberSarcastic? ::earlier todayLast time you fought with your parents ::I dont talk to my parents that much.Last time you wished upon a star ::Last nightPlayed Truth or Dare ::I dont rememberSpent quality time alone ::now[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]Are you talking to someone on AIM ::nopeDo you feel lonely ::yepEver TP'd someone's house ::nopeHow about egging someone's house ::nopeDo you not like dislike not like me? ::I dont know you.Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::NopeYo Momma ::okay.Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::YepWhat do you think of George Bush? ::I dont like him.Any secret fetishes? ::Haha...Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::SureHow many languages do you speak? ::One, i think.Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::nopeGlad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::Not really.
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