has ANHYWONE ELSE everfr Trippewd on AMBIENnE!?

Dec 07, 2004 00:22

• × •I N F O R M A T I O N • × •
Name: Ben, Garfunkle, Funkle, Gangsta, Bitch, Nigga....
Single or taken: Single
Sex: Male
Birthday: December 11th. This Saturday.
Sign: Sagitarious
Siblings: 1 brother
Hair color: Blondish-Brown. It's curly, and it's a million colors...
Eye color: Blue-Green
Height: 5'7-5'8

• × • R E L A T I O N S H I P S • × •
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope
How many exes do you have?:...1....well i guess i could say like 4 or 5, but only 1 counted.
What is your longest relationship?: Abby- 8 months
What was your shortest relationship?: Abby- 15 minutes

• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •
Where is your favourite place to shop for clothes: I haven't shopped for clothes in so long. I get them online...on the side of the street, oh i have my favorite sweatshirt and jeans from J-Crew. Fuck yes.
Any tattoos or piercings: nope, but i might gauge my ears and get my lip done. I dunno though
Favorite designer?: I don't know any designers.
What is your sexiest outfit?: Erm...I own band tshirts/random tshirts, old jeans, old sweaters, sweatshirts, shoes...I'm not sure what my "sexiest outfit" would be. It's all just so sexy...i couldn't pick just one outfit.
What is your most comfortable outfit?: Tye-Dye t-shirt I made, and my polo PJ pants.
What do you usually wear?: black t-shirt and jeans....and my j-crew sweatshirt :)

• × • S P E C I F I C S • × •
Do you do drugs?: Every Day. At least 9 drugs a day.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: um....T-Gel maxium strength? I had to go look.
What are you most scared of?: Losing my friends, and death.
What are you listening to right now: 21 Gun
Who is the last person that called you?: Either my mom or Aaron.
Where do you want to get married?: I dunno. maybe on the beach, at sunset? Roses everywhere, just scattered across the beach. I want a small wedding...
How many buddies are online right now?: I ACANTFFUCKING COUNT
What would you change about yourself?: No more of this disease

I dont want to fucking to d tie thse sufrvinay, i dnot feel here. i feel like i'm triippen on something.

I an to to bcam to the beah with Abby and keep her warm, in the cool wadt.er.
with the ocoool breaze
I'll keep ther warm. God, i iweill eekkp her safe, why dyou you hae to put hat i sfirst said so far away. I dont really unsdterstand what is happening. Everything is a werck. iI dont know what the ambien is doing and i dongt it someing playease help i'm on a trip tis imaking me trip

An aalram clock when off on my computer
it told me that today, being the 7th is my one year aniverarry. i guess it's right. sept were'r not totgetherr anymore and i dont reamember settiing it up to tell me. I wonder what she got me doy for are anivasarry?

This A,,bmbian ies really makingh me ffeell really weird. I dont know waht's going on. i thin i'm tni in tht eforset now

I'm gonna g o teak a treee down and sleep on it.

The doctore said i::m I'm BIpOLAr so they wwiychyed my meds. they switched my meds around. I didn't know that they seiwichted it so i could trip, and have a 1 yhear aneriversarry with abby. i didn't knot that htyhe d do that.

I'm cclimbminl doin hg sond the moountain now. i'm climign it doughn.
were all sliding down , oooh we htit a curve, now we're alright...AWHHOoOOOO big driop. we'r e haveging fun this is dogoood.

I sitill dont know where i am esxactly buty the computer is good with it ti cuatpeeps typing what i saya nd i odnt know what i'm sayin gg so i dino tk know if its's really typing anytyhing.

Maybe i sjould go to Slee p like the Diredctions on the Ambien Said.

I should Wish Abby a Happy 1 year Aniverasrry though.

We should celebrat,e bi can't believe it's been a whole cukfukm fucking year.
ADCan yu oibelibrl that his's beeen a whole year?
a lot has hahppen but we've made it through this much and were still strong.


I don't kget it.. though.
We didn't break upi, cause if we did, today wouldnt be our 1 year aniversarry, and it is. i hope she kows to. I hopd ehseh antin matd at met hat atwe nevera gavaver a aeva broke up
i wshoul do go

i docan tareally talk anymore. too fucked up from the ambien and whatever selse i took.

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