update time

Jan 11, 2005 15:33

My boyfriend is sick and when he's sick, that means that i take care of him. :)

So far my english and math class are ok.
Today i went into my psychology class and the teacher didn't show up so everybody left. I came to Pat's house to buy him a gatorade and took care of him for a while until my history class started at 1:40.
My history class....well....the teacher was too fuckin picky about her work. So, i'm dropping it later today.
I really wanted Cervantes for my history teacher. I'm dropping that class and adding Bio.1406.

I might change my major. I really want physical therapy as my major but ugh im still undecided about it.

Now I'm back at Pat's house again taking care of him while he's resting& eating his soup.

I have a new schedule at work now. I work Sunday - Thursdays now. Which rules cause i get one more extra day and i get Saturdays off now!
By the end of this semester is over im hoping to find another BETTER job. So if anyone knows of anything good please let a sista know. PLEASE.

This Friday is Lectro Club PLUSS At all cost and Recover! I haven't seen Recover in sooo long!

Pat and I are hopefully to be living together ASAP. I'm really looking forward to that.

You know what sucks? Is that mostly all of my friends including Pat are all 21. :( They all get to go to bars and stuff without me. :( I still have 4 more months til im 21. oh well.
My boss at work thought that i was still in highschool. hahaha! Which doesn't surprise me at all because everyone thinks that im 17 or something. :/

ok...i'm gonna go lay down with Pat and take care of him more until i go I go back to school to drop my history class.
I work tonight too. Which i dont feel like working cause i feel like crap. I hate being a girl.

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