(no subject)

Mar 22, 2004 00:35

Abortion::God's againist it Suicide::It's the 3rd leading cause of death for teens The Death Penalty::I'm not to decide one's fate The colour black::I look good in it Curfews::set your own Rock music::live it Pop music::okay Dance music::love it Rap music::gangsta Classical music::play it The youth of today?:I am it biatch. Peanuts::They're good?? Tecnology::Is fast. Religion::Needed to survive. Pizza::I make it. Genetically Modified crops::My family out west farms... so yeah, no. Cloning::Not humans; specific body parts, yeah. Nuclear power::Too dangerous. War::SCREW IT. George Bush::moveon.org The Queen::God save her. Tony Blair::I think he dropped the soap in the shower while w/ Bush. Cheesecake::Turtle kind is good. Chinesse::Hot ppl, good food Surveys?:indifferent Online quiz's::indifferent Online Journals::have one Chatrooms::suck Instant Messenger::yeah Stereotypes::nessecary evil Cheating::Don't Drugs::decriminaliztion, not legalization. Alcohol::you should be able to vote and buy beer. Mobile Phones::useful Siblings::love them! Gangstas::wish i was one Harry potter::good books, yeah i read them Lord Of The Rings::haven't seen any Death::only after you pay taxes Life::on Earth is short. Love::a thing i long for. Lust::a thing i long to cease. Hate::too strong of a word Sex::not before marriage Germans::talk different
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