If I were a smarter person, I wouldn't be home.

May 20, 2007 15:53

Mom's trying to use the computer. Actually, she's gotten much better, so let me rephrase: Mom's trying to use a new program/companion website without watching the tutorial (which, admittedly, seems poorly put together) and keeps asking me questions about what words mean or how various fields work. (Save to shoebox? WTF, I don't know.)

This is not a program I have ever used. Nor do I plan to. But telling Mom she's on her own with technology is tantamount to familial treason.

So I think I better stop reading about fanfiction and copyright (and Spider Robinson's opinion on perpetual copyright in the form of a short story) and indefinite expansion of a publisher's rights, and go be on a different floor of the house.

far from the tree, meta

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