the traditional not dead post. also, a comic book release party

Jun 18, 2013 21:11

Hello, dreamwidth and livejournal! Despite having come down with plague (or the common cold) again, I yet live!

Last week, my local comic book shop decided to throw a release party for Superman... Unchained #1. Yeah. That's right - it was not a movie release party, it was a first issue release party (at which someone would win tickets to the movie). Superman is the owner's hands-down favorite character, and when I picked up the previous week's pulls, one of the guys specifically asked if I'd be coming to the event. So I roped akarui_rynka into staying out way too late on a Tuesday night with me to buy a comic at midnight that neither of us had any particular interest in. Me, because I'm a Marvel girl. She, because she doesn't follow Superman - other Supers, yes; Superman, no. But come on, midnight release at the comic shop - we had to check it out.

The owner brought in a DJ. (About song five, akarui_rynka asked whether it was sad that she knew all the words to all the songs, to which I responded, no, it just means the DJ is clearly our age.) He'd also set up a table of cookies and chips and Superman paper plates. It was adorable. There were a number of raffles throughout the evening, which usually went to someone who'd left. I failed to find anything I NEEDED to buy*... but I went ahead and picked up a Powergirl trade and a copy of Superman Unchained. The Unchained because it was, theoretically, the reason we were there, so the purchase secured us an extra discount on any other items. The Powergirl trade because if we bought a DC trade, we could get a free sketch. Apparently, an artist with credits from the big two to his name lives locally which weirds me out because - well. We're not exactly urban, and I still associate comic creators with urban centers, if not NYC itself. So I now have a cute (ok, scowly) Hawkeye sketch, and akarui_rynka is the proud owner of a Robin. I could not believe how quickly he sketched them, while keeping the characters distinctively themselves.

* They do have a bundle of The Authority 0-12 in the discount bins, and I'm sure people have talked about that series around me - does someone want to tell me if I should head back and buy it?

In other news, I am reading all the Avengers fanfiction and wallowing in some WiPs that I can't honestly recommend, except apparently they are hitting on my bulletproof tropes pretty damn hard. Emotional h/c that is at least in part self-inflicted/exacerbated by the hurt character's inability/unwillingness to articulate that the problem even exists? Yes, please.

I am betaing a due South fic for someone who doesn't know me by this pseud. But I am all for more due South fic existing, so, sure I will beta for you, person I met in RL first.

And I'm maybe possibly writing sometimes. A little. So far, it's mostly short scenes rather than actual fic with storylines. But maybe I will have something worth posting eventually. *shrug* Maybe I should just post the not-exactly fics.

So! How are things?

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fandom: comics, fandom: avengers, real life adventures

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