no, i'm not procrastinating, what.

Dec 02, 2011 15:57

I am at my fav coffeehouse, totally NOT eavesdropping on the Magic: The Gathering game at the next table, no matter how intriguing the trash talk, because clearly I am working on important things! Like my dSSS fic which I can't talk about because I haven't made a filter. I guess I just get to be vague and annoying at all of y'all -- trust me, it's going to be good. [Insert mysterious comments and uninformative bitching about That One Scene here.]

And the fic for omens currently saved as RIDICfic.odt which is a Star Trek Reboot AU, but I keep getting hung up on world building ('but wait, even if Kirk made this life choice pre-story, why wouldn't Bones have ended up at the Academy, since it means they wouldn't have met until...' I am driving myself crazy with things that don't go in the story proper). This despite the RIDIC right there in the title.

And the next chapter of the FKV experiment in geography bottle it up, as requested by mergatrude. Which I think is a scene that I've had in mind since near the beginning? But I'm not sure if something else needs to come first. I guess there's no rule I have to write everything in order.

And I have a lovely set of prompt words from theleaveswant, one of which might be turning into something Flashpoint, maybe.

Plus, I really want to finish the Dean/Gabriel series, though I'm not at all sure if I'll get to it before the New Year, because I want to rewatch 'Exile on Main Street' to steal shamelessly accurately parallel the actual start of season 6.

Then there's the White Collar prompt that china_shop gave me, which I bet she didn't think would be something long, but I know what I want to write for it and I can tell I need to put it off until other things are done... though hopefully before the season break ends.

And there's an Inception fic that I am clearly not writing, except for how it keeps eating my brain, so it's just a matter of time before I give in. (Guys, it's fluff fic. How can my first entry into a fandom be absolute fluff?)

Of course, there's a REASON I'm feeling scattered and not (ha!) procrastinating - applications are terrifying. But really, I cannot do more than a year at this job. Nope. Not happening. My soul will wilt. So it'd be good to have an exit strategy. But contacting people from when I was an undergrad over a decade ago? Slightly terrifying. And personal statements are hard. Also, I probably need to retake the GRE, like now. (Dammit. Note to self- look up age of scores when I get home.)

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sheer abject terror, coal mine, writing

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