content is for comments

Jul 03, 2011 23:05

Dear ifreet,

Someone has chosen to upgrade your Dreamwidth Studios account.

Aw, thank you, Someone! I honestly don't know who you are, even though I suspect you must be a Someone I know? Regardless, I appreciate the unexpected paid time! In return, if there is something that would make you happy to see on this journal, let me know? A fic prompt or a photo of my bookshelves or my thoughts on yaoi rambles on a meta topic or a rec list or whatever -- and if you'd prefer to remain a mysterious Someone, anonymous commenting is on here on DW (possibly also on LJ? I'd have to double check).

Actually, if anyone has any questions, requests or prompts, I'm feeling successfully interactive today, so bring it on.

Offline life has been keeping me busy, with the working and the sibling's drama and some unrelated friends' drama and the sort-of-interviewing for additional work and the poetry (un)slam attending* and the meeting of friends' children for the first time they'll remember.** But I think I am caught up on journals and emails and Goodreads now. If I missed things, poke me and point me towards them!

Also, someone from the bookstore sent me a Google plus invite. Is this a thing that I want? As pseudonym me or as offline name me? Could anyone explain the probable function of this latest platform to me, please?

*Irises is trying to start a slam at my favorite coffee house. Two months in, there's not enough participation for the slam to happen. Instead, there are readings by poets who may-or-may-not read in a slam style, and then we go through the books that live in the cafe (or use smart phones) to locate poems for reading aloud. And this month, we did an Exquisite Corpse that actually reads like something done intentionally? And and I met one of Rynka's potential new suitors, who seemed interesting (and was wearing a Kate Beaton shirt, thus earning immediate bonus points towards dating-my-friend approval). So it's been a lot of fun, even if not exactly a slam.

**I always think I'm bad with kids? But I continue to get along just fine with individual kids. My friends' daughter was both a delight (she is a reader, but not entirely convinced that the Animorphs series is really fiction because the Animorph kids are in hiding, you see, and K.A. Applegate is so obviously a fake name that the author is suspicious) and apparently instantly (inexplicably) taken with me. Could have been the She-Ra shirt, could have been the ridiculous introduction. (Her: Are you supposed to be [ifreet]? Me: That is exactly who I'm supposed to be!) Their nearly-five son seemed mostly worn out -- it was the end of a very long day, and he was doing well to keep his head above his ice cream while the grown-ups were being boring -- that he also managed to be well behaved impressed the hell -- er, heck out of me.

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friend, fandom, failing at social media, real life adventures

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