melancholy is to be followed by hyperactivity, right?

Jun 08, 2011 18:10

Prime: thank you to everyone who commented on the prior post. I mean to respond, but those are exactly the sort of comments I have the most trouble responding to, so it will take me awhile probably.

Instead, fannish(ish) content.

1. Oh, welcome back, show! And thank you for being you. I am so ridiculously thrilled with the set up for the season's arc, I can't express. Especially that Neal is (slightly, but still) conflicted about it.

I wish I'd finished
china_shop's Mozzie ficlet before it aired, though. Hmph. Whatever, it's far from the first time I've written something that's only definitively canon-compliant up to some point prior to the time of posting. Anyway, it hasn't been jossed so much as I would have approached it differently after last night.

2. When the going gets tough, the ifreet plots crack fic. Driving home, the most delightfully weird due South AU idea (that I am not writing) popped into my head. If someone could point me towards a pre-existing variant, I would ♥ you forever, because I'm suddenly surprised that I haven't come across one on my own.

Ray Vecchio goes on vacation to Florida or wherever, I don't know, and when he gets back home to Chicago, he discovers his partner has gone undercover and been replaced with another liaising Mountie going by Benton Fraser. If I were writing it, it'd totally be Turnbull (never mind his season 2 appearances, it's not like this plot made sense with the Rays either), because Turnbull is like Fraser turned to eleven anyway, so his deliberate impersonation would be a thing of beauty. (Also, I suspect Turnbull would be appalled at the Racine apartment. Fraser may have been all about community-building, but Turnbull would be out in the hallway with a bucket of paint and a roller, followed by an earnest attempt to fix the elevator.) Then they FIGHT CRIME. And optionally fall in love, depending on the level of pining for the fjords Benny the author's (note: still not me) Ray is engaged in.

It's seriously such an obvious AU that I'm sure it's been done -- if not with Turnbull, then surely MacKenzie or Thatcher, right? Or Kowalski-as-Fraser? Anyone?

3. Might have the next story of my SPN series written. Might not. It's hard to decide whether the next bit should all be one continuous piece or if there's a strong division between the stories, especially since the written part is very episodic.

The Dreamwidth version of this entry currently has

fic i'm not writing, fandom: due south, fandom: spn, fandom: white collar

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