angst beast attack; send Tohru

Apr 09, 2011 22:37

Title: would you run away
Fandom: due South
Pairing: Vecchio/Stella
Warnings: none
For ds_aprilfools prompt 27 - falsely accused. Unhappy!

"This isn't working," she said.

Ray's breath hitched, nothing so obvious that it couldn't be recovered from. He twisted closer to the recalcitrant ball return. "Five more minutes, and I'll call the repair guy."

Stella sighed, and it wasn't like he'd thought she'd let him get away with avoiding it -- hoped maybe. "You know what I mean."

He sat back on his heels and looked up at her. Gorgeous and unflinching and right. "Yeah," he admitted.

The agreement softened her eyes. "This isn't us. We're not bowling alleys or Florida." After a pause, she added quietly, "And you're not in love with me."

It was like a punch. He shoved himself to his feet. "Stel, that's not true. I love you."

Ray moved towards her, raised his hand to touch -- and she shied away.

"I'm sorry," she said, as though it hurt. Then she pulled on her professional face: calm, cool, and collected, with any softness hidden away. "We can break the lease on the apartment, but we'll need to figure out what to do with the bowling alley."

"I love you," he repeated, as though she simply hadn't heard him.

"Maybe," she conceded. "But I'm not the one you're in love with, and -- and I need that. I need to be the only--" She shook her head. "I'm sorry. It's over. The rest is details."

He did love her. They'd met under crazy circumstances. She was beautiful, classy, and admiring, and he'd seen signs everywhere, so Ray had decided right there in the precinct that he was going to marry this woman. He still loved her, he thought. Though maybe not at this moment.

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fandom: due south, fanfic

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