years change in pieces (writing meme 2010)

Jan 02, 2011 18:56

I have barely been around, I have a bagillion comments to respond to, I need to find a way to make my Foolish (but awesome) Decision work out, and there's more than a little RL stuff in need of attention, SO INSTEAD I am doing the fannish end of the year meme.

But before that, let me tell you guys that I received some AWESOME fic this year in the winter exchanges! You should read them and leave nice feedback. Just sayin'.

First! cranky_zen arranged the tiniest of tiny exchanges, and omphale23 wrote me a beautiful piece for Band of Brothers, filled with a heartbreaking combination of longing and self-denial, titled le geste oublié, l'action supplémentaire. It is lovely and gorgeously written and words are not my friends right now, but I hope O knows how I feel about her writing anyway. ♥

And then dSSS came along! sperrywink wrote me Wise Guy which is a pre-Ray/Ray story from Dewey's point of view. It is AWESOME and FUNNY and OMG WELSH and exactly everything I wanted from my requests. Go read it! Shoo, go!

Back from reading? Okay. After the cut, it's all about me.

Some of the following need warnings -- and those fic should have warnings in their actual headers, but if you have concerns, feel free to comment here/PM me.

Big Bang Theory

The one where Raj learns the alternative meaning of cupcake

due South
Lords (three evenings, two Rays) Stella/Kowalski, Stella/Vecchio
Drummers (sick day) F/K/V
The One with the Circus Frannie/Kowalski
The One with the Mismatched Socks F/K
Fluffy White Stuff Fraser, Kowalski
before seven F/K
loves company Victoria/Kowalski
Not So Innocent Fraser/Kowalski, Fraser/various
Third Time Lucky F/K/V
Scheduling K/V
The One where Vecchio and Stella Talk about Playing Guitar RayV/Stella

And finally, my dSSS entry I was about to change (but you stayed the same) Frannie/Kowalski, Frannie/Fraser/Kowalski

Pipers (all-nighter) Hardison, Eliot
The One Where They Find Out Why Parker has Such a Large Scarf Collection Eliot/Hardison/Parker
Man with a Plan Ford/Sterling

The Mentalist
The One with the Perfect Cup of Tea Cho/Jane
No card Cho/Jane

Ladies (years) Sam/G

The One with the Stolen Pants Gus/Lassiter

Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Our Old Room Adler/Holmes

Slings & Arrows
Love Song Ellen/Sloan, Ellen/Geoffrey
The One where Geoffrey and Sloan Hang Out Geoffrey, Sloan
The One where Anna Drove Darren Home Anna/Darren?

Star Trek (Reboot)
At the speed of laughter Scotty/Sulu
(maybe if this t-shirt is witty enough someone will finally love me) Kirk/McCoy
The One where Chekov was convinced Penguins were involved

The One with the Unusual Breakfast Food Sam/Jessica, Sam/Dean
Secret Agent Man (the due South fusion) Dean/Cas
Ice Cream Dean/Lisa, Dean
there's no such place as Cicero, Indiana Dean
In which Sam keeps Sei Shonagon-style lists of things Sam
The One where Sam Explains Things like Die Hard to Cas because Cas is Trying to Impress Dean Sam, Cas

White Collar
The One where Peter Finds Out that Neal Plays Guitar Peter, Neal

Life, Standoff
Cherry and Pineapple Charlie/Matt
Suspicious River, Durham County
Flock Leila Murray/Mike Sweeney
due South, Psych
unnamed crossover
Psych, The Middleman
The One where Gus develops a Video Game Addiction (which clearly was a desperate cry for a crossover with The Middleman) Gus, Wendy, Shawn
Gundam Wing, due South
The One where Fraser is being Recruited as a Gundam Pilot J,G
due South, Supernatural
The One where Dean and RayK Geek Out over Muscle Cars while Bob draws Cas and Benton into a Long Discussion about Caribou F/K, Dean, Cas, Dead!Bob
Life, Standoff, The Middleman
And last but not least, my cranky_zen entry The Asana Naming Convention Dani Reese/Wendy Watson, Matt Flannery (clever title by sisterofdream)

Plus the usual music ficlets of various fandoms. Huey/Welsh, Bernard Black/Draco Malfoy, Guster/Lassiter, Anna/Darren, and McCoy/Chekov.

Jeez, that's a lot of coding. Let me know if you encounter link-fail. /o\

Best: Flock, maybe? It's what I meant to write when I sat down, if that makes sense.

Favorite: Ah ha ha. Yes. It's not that I love all my fic equally, it's that I love different ones for entirely different reasons. I think I nailed the voices in The One with the Circus, and Pipers (all nighter) proves that Eliot + Hardison + ninjas does, in fact, equal awesome. I'm inordinately fond of At the speed of laughter. Secret Agent Man was a blast to write, but I was about to change (but you stayed the same) made me work for it. I guess this year I like my humorous fic?

Most fun to write: Secret Agent Man. The concept came out of a chat with dess and sisofdream, so, fun. The later shuffling around of character roles to make them fit due South and still make sense as themselves was a challenge but completely entertaining. Plus, the Prophet Dief is not getting old.

Hardest: Actually, my dSSS. I basically rewrote 10 out of 15 pages between a closing shift and a morning shift on the night before the archive went live. It's definitely a better story for it, but I hope I have learned a valuable lesson about deadlines and scheduling. (I probably haven't, but I hope.)

Most shifted my perception of the characters: The One where Geoffrey and Sloan Hang Out. I now want this as canon.

Most under-appreciated by the universe: ... and once again this year, I shrug. If I consistently posted fic to comms, maybe I'd have a definitive answer. As it is? I did write a couple ficlets that had no response at all, same as last year. This happens when one posts ficlets in comments. Then there are stories like Flock and Man with a Plan, where I am surprised that they found an audience, which totally makes up for the others. (And despite my initial concern that I might become weird about my hits-to-comments ratio, I am LOVING the hit counters on AO3, because stories that I figured were totally Audience Of One are accumulating hits! And yes, yes, I know number of hits =! number of discrete readers, but still, it's exciting that someone is at least opening the fic in tabs and planning to read it.)

Sexiest: Third Time Lucky. I had NO IDEA how much I wanted that fic until exbex put the prompt on the kink meme. Hello.

Sexist single moment: Hm. From Our Old Room -- He opened his eyes to find her own hazel eyes laughing at him from a short distance. "I can hear you thinking."

"A professional hazard," he replied with mock solemnity. "My apologies."

"I would hate to think I'm not holding your attention." Her slim but strong fingers trailed down his torso and took his attention firmly in hand.

Wow, that's wrong even for you: Let's go with Man with A Plan. Starting with the pairing itself, and continuing on through the whole hate!sex with manipulative!drunk!Nathan Ford, that fic is just wrong. And totally needed to be written.

Disappointment: Eh. Some of the ficlets aren't as good as they COULD be, had I spent more time on them. I guess my biggest disappointment though are the stories that didn't make it onto the screen.

Biggest surprise: I kinda thought I'd write/have written more White Collar.

Unintentionally telling: I have become positively Oscar Wilde-ish in my tendency to fall in love with a turn of phrase and overuse it.

More, less, or the same amount of fic as expected: Had I made a prediction this time last year, I think this would be same as/less than the amount I'd have guessed. On the other hand, due to my year-end slump, it's more than I'd THOUGHT I'd written, so I'm pretty pleased.

Unpredicted fandom/pairing: How about I AM NOT IN BIG BANG THEORY FANDOM, RYNKA?

I'd like to thank the academy.... Sisterofdream and dessert_first, as always. Visionshadows for stepping in to beta dSSS at the lastest minute. Akarui_rynka for listening to story ideas and reading fic in not-her fandoms and generally being Rynka. And all you guys, for being here -- both fannishly and non, online and off. My life is better for having you in it. Thank you.

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