shift starts in t-minus...

Mar 05, 2010 14:19

Yesterday was a good day. (This despite having started reading a coming-of-age novel that turned out to be slightly prophetic the night before.) I finished reading In for a Penny. I had mostly fun customers at the bookstore. I officially ran more than I walked while at the gym. And SPN chat was not canceled due to conflicts or wacky power/internet issues.

Today is kind of a blank. I've read some fanfic? It was good? I read about LJ being bad. I was not shocked? I ate Arby's, and the cat tried to stick her face in my plate. I was equally as amused as annoyed? Tink seems to be recovering, but since we didn't expect her to, we'd let her completely have her way for awhile, and now she is a right pest. But she's more snuggly with me now, so I don't mind much.

And now I have to get ready for work. I was going to try to get there early enough to get my check to the bank. But instead I wrote this. Eh.

I've had a Dreamwidth account for awhile, but despite crossposting, I haven't really made much use of it -- partly because I'd been considering trying to separate RL and fannish identities a little better on that platform. But I've decided I don't really care. So, ifreet here is ifreet there, and comments are open on both.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently

coal mine, oh the drama, cat, books

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