Yays and nays

Oct 07, 2009 22:50

- At some indeterminate point in the recent past, I knocked over a half-full cup of fake!coffee. The since-cooled puddle abutted the edge of the stack of pages I'd been tearing out of magazines all evening. Oh, well. Guess I'm throwing even more out!

+ I'm having a body positive day, though not quite as good as yesterday. I thought I'd share, because I'm way more likely to hear people I care about talking about how Phantom of the Opera hideous they are on any given day, and that's just weird. My friends, we are pretty! And yes, I mean you, missy! Stop making that face. Why don't we ever talk about that? Yesterday, I was the same height I've been since high school (slightly shorter than I would have wanted), and the same weight I've been all year, give or take a pound or two (more than 30 pounds over my 'ideal' weight, given the slightly short thing). Yesterday, I was at least two months out from my last haircut and wearing no makeup beyond the usual lip gloss. And yet yesterday, I looked in the mirror and thought, 'Yes, that. That looks good.' I could do with more yesterdays.

+/- I am determined to find Gus/Lassiter fic. These aren't even recs -- these are all I've found.

There's the one I wrote, Candles. (The title's a reference to it being self-indulgent birthday fic, if anyone had been wondering about the lack of candles, metaphoric or literal, in the fic). But it's a bit handwavy (see: self-indulgent). I want a more fleshed out story, but I'm not having much luck.

In psych_slash, I found dragonessasmith's Cross, which is essentially a Shawn finds out story.

ETA: I've also found Dog Walkers by shady_fetish, which seems to be preslash. (Apparently, Gus/Lassiter stories are in the comm's memories under Gus/Other and not Lassiter/Other.) /edit

The power of Google turned up a short Gus/Lassiter series by greenonme. And there were a couple of Gus/Lassiter prompts filled by various authors in this ficlet meme. Ficlets for a ship with no fic are SAD MAKING.

The psych_finders comm has a Gus/Lassiter tag... which appears to have been applied to an entry in error. Otherwise? Crickets. I tried Yuletide, but no dice. I am inches away from trawling through the Pit. SEND HELP.

fandom: psych, random

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