So, there's stuff I ought to be doing. But then I thought, hey, what if people wonder what I've been reading over the summer? You know, now that it's fall. So I pulled together a really random assortment of fic from my fandom wanderings -- my bookmarking is haphazard at best. At BEST. There's also little rhyme or reason to the information I'm giving with the recs or to the format of the recs. (In other words, you may want to check the fic headers -- or ask me, whichever -- before diving in if there's anything you particularly want to avoid. Many of these are adult, and some carry specific warnings.)
First up, Star Trek reboot -- or Star Trek XI or whatever else it's known by. Personally, I've been calling it
the best coaster in the park since early summer. Every time I left the theater(/drive-in), I just wanted to turn around and watch it again.
Three Times Uhura Said No, Two Times Uhura Said Yes, And Once When She Didn’t Get the Chance stoplookingup Uhura/various A lovely progression of Uhura's sexual encounters/relationships that leads up to a beautiful glimpse of Uhura and Spock's budding connection.
Reading Against/Reading With: Mastering the Oppositional Discourse in Textual Healing emeraldwoman Various pairings. Look, if you don't want to read that for the title alone, I can't help you.
Five Times Leonard McCoy Agreed with that green-blooded SOB damalur McCoy/Spock
A Vulcan, a doctor, and Jim Kirk walk into a bar on Betazed.
"I am going to nail every woman in this bar," Jim says. His expression is caught between dazed and delighted, like someone just beamed him from Qo'noS straight to heaven without any prior warning.
Five Things Leonard McCoy Is Not, And One He Is speccygeekgirl I'm tempted to say McCoy/not Kirk, but the pairing's right there in the header: McCoy/Sulu. "I'm a doctor, not a..."
Mutually Assured Destruction ethrosdemon It's Kirk/McCoy, which I love, and it's well-written Kirk/McCoy, which I love even more, but read it for GAILA.
Five Times Kirk Woke Up Alone In McCoy’s Bed (And One Time He Didn’t) the_dala Kirk/McCoy *smooshes them together*
Starting in July, I went through an SGA thing, only partially because of procrastinating on my stupid fic. (By the way, how is everyone in Pegasus speaking English? It can't be Gate-related magic-tech, since Zelenka still speaks Czech which no one else understands.) It's hard to do recs for what I read in SGA, since mainly I found people who wrote A LOT and then
read everything by them. These people included
lamardeuse, and
astolat. But I'm thinking if you've read SGA, you've read them.
My bad bookmarking skills were in rare form. The only fics I seem to have individually bookmarked at the time were
Or Something Like It by
semivowel (McKay/Sheppard) which does the truth serum trope one better by making it reveal more about the people not under the influence and
The Secret Lives of Scientists by Julad (McKay/Zelenka) which makes excellent use of the everyday, continuous, unrelenting strain of the original Atlantis mission -- as well as the ultimate hopefulness of it all.
I have a complex relationship with Supernatural fic. I don't admit to reading much of it because of all the judging that just happened right there. I heard that! But leading up to the new season, I started reading even more than I use to.
And I possibly have been reading enough J2 fic that I have a bookmark folder labeled "J2 I wish I were kidding." Lines: I think I used to have them.
In fact, the first time I sent my sister a link to slash fanfic, it was for
Your Brains are No Match for my Tractorbeam, a J2 and Big Bang Theory fusion. Because Jensen and Big Bang Theory are both relevant to her interests. Seriously:
Jensen came out to his parents during college with a lecture and a slideshow. He remembers his entire speech, which covered the problems with reproduction in an already overpopulated world and the benefits of an openly homosexual Nobel Prize winner for the gay community, and had ended with: "In conclusion, I think I'm gay."
"Honey, do you like men?" his mother asked gently.
"As much as I like anyone," Jensen said.
"Well, what makes you think you're gay?"
"I'm in college," said Jensen. "It's normal to discover your sexual preferences during college."
"You're eleven," said his mother.
"I don't know what that has to do with anything."
It's possible that I'm a horrible big sister. On the other hand, maybe I'm a horrible big sister for not directing her to the sequels. Yet.
On a gen note, I made 'rynka read
Hark the Herald Angels Tweet in a bookstore. (And then sent the link to my sister. She likes Dean, too, okay?) Waaay funnier if you visit Misha Collin's
twitter first.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the source, I've read a ton of heartbreaking fic in SPN. Like this recent pre-series response to episode 5.03 -- gorgeous.
Truth, Denial and Other Useless Words laulan Or last year's
I love the bones of you Castiel/Dean by
Speaking of my total lack of meaningful lines,
fleshflutter also wrote this absolutely hilarious Sam/Dean post-season 4 fic, which actually has apocalyptic plot and emotional resonance lurking just below the funny (at least sometimes. Sometimes, it's just funny or ohmygodwrong but I won't pretend I didn't enjoy it thoroughly):
The incestuous courtship of the antichrist's bride Sam isn't aware of the exact moment that it leaves. The whole 'accidentally signing his brother up as his consort' experience has kind of thrown him. He just knows that the darkness is gone and Ruby's sitting next to him, black-eyed and blank-faced.
They sit together in silence as Sam tries to recover.
"I had a plan," he says finally. "It was an awesome plan. And that wasn't it."
And somewhere in there Leverage took over my brain. And Psych. And now The Mentalist. But, Star Trek aside, I find new fandoms hard. It was easier when I was following writers into various fandoms and then tracking down the canon after. And in established fandoms I could find the must-read lists or fic-finder requests (which I totally treat as recs, because the stories are at least memorable). Of course, back in the day I was lurking on mailing lists and relying on web archives being regularly updated, I was not writing fanfic myself, and I had yet to discover LJ. So, not exactly the good old days.
I've managed to find Psych fic on my own, like
Gus Makes a Match plainpennyknits Gus/Shawn (cute! With oblivious!Shawn) Use her tags, read everything. Seriously, go.
Growing Pains thingswithwingsGus/Shawn (smut! though, okay, they are still almost unbearably cute even when there's kink)
Right Place, Wrong Time regannShawn/Lassiter (long get together fic! Which is something I'd like to see more of with Shawn/Lassiter. There's a lot of decent existing relationship stuff, but I want to know how they get there. That's kinda my favorite part of rival slash!)
I've previously rec'ed
lozenger8's Shawn/Lassiter Choose Your Own Adventure story
Your Code Name is Babalu. Hopefully, you guys have done better at keeping up with her fic than I have, because she's written a number of terrific Psych fics since then for a variety of pairings -- including a hot-funny-sweet Gus/Shawn/Lassiter PWP called
To Err is Human.
dessert_first told me to go read the one where Eliot is the little black dress of Leverage fandom, and she was not wrong!
Five Times Eliot Did What had to be Done teand Eliot/everyone on the team (Um, not concurrently. This being fandom, that probably needs to be specified.)
(Actually, Dess tells me to go read a LOT of stuff, and she is usually right. You should all be so lucky!)
This site has a bunch of stories for
The Mentalist, all Cho/Jane, all worth the reading. The link is to the splash page; I'd recommend starting with "Three Firsts." This is turning into one of those "I hadn't thought about it, but now I can't stop seeing it" pairings for me. I have yet to find a good general Mentalist fic comm; if you have, please point me that way! And actually, it doesn't have to be a whole comm -- if you've come across any good The Mentalist fic, please send it my way. As per usual, I am not picky about pairings.
Finally -- and very randomly indeed, I just finished reading a Harry Potter fic by
amalin --
Reparo Harry/Ginny, Harry/Draco. Better than an epilogue -- this is how ends should be tied up, rather than simply telling us that everything has worked out OK years after the fact. And I say this having not paid enough attention to the header going in to remember who the ultimate pairing would be while I was reading. I would have been okay with either, since neither was portrayed as easy or automatic.
Now... I think I'm going to try catching up a bit in due South fandom. Hello, ds_noticeboard! Why don't all my fandoms have one of you?