practicing my blank face

Sep 01, 2009 21:39

Okay. So I'm almost done with the Bad Job, right? And so is IT Guy. I still have plenty of work to try to pound through so it won't all fall on the coworker I like. IT Guy? Not so much. He's not going to start any big projects the week he leaves, so he's been looking for busy work.

Well, a couple weeks ago, I asked him for advice on converting my old .wps documents into something that OpenOffice can read, like .doc documents. Unfortunately, the solutions involved using Microsoft Office to do the conversions, which, bleh, okay, I'll borrow someone's machine and do that... sometime. So yesterday, IT Guy asks if I've done it yet, and of course I haven't. So he says, bring in a flash drive, I'll work on it for you instead of doing real work. Great! Except a good number of those documents are fanfic. Slash fanfic. Some of it explicit slash fanfic.

Aw, what the hell. I brought it in anyway. And when he said he'd checked a couple and they seem to have converted alright? I did not do this: O.O Though not making the face took conscious effort.

Today was also the day the boss asked about what I was reading -- Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet. Um, no, bossman, I don't like you so we are not getting into it.

Slash closet? What's that again?

Oh! Speaking of, my sister -- who likes similar media to me but is not, exactly, a fan -- was cracking me up over the weekend. There were her pointed comments during Leverage and then her decision to treat my latest Psych-related obsession-with-related-commentary as charming instead of batty. But above and beyond those, there was the SPN conversation we had in the car on the way home from breakfast. We were talking about the episode It's a Terrible Life and I said I was glad Zachariah turned out to be evil, because his little roleplay was completely screwed up and stupid. He didn't prove that Dean would always be a hunter -- Sam was the one that fell back into it and Dean just followed. "Dean's always going to be a sucker for Sammy," I said. Speaking as Zachariah, sis added, "And when I say you'll always know your brother..." Which gem she followed up by admitting she had not read that J2 story I linked her to... but it's saved to her laptop, all three parts, so she can read it at her wifi-less school. ♥

far from the tree, coal mine, fandom: spn

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