This weekend was much fun all thanks to Miss Nicole Hamilton
The track meet was alright. Overall I had fun but there were times when it got pretty boring. I got to see Jenna, Emily, Yifei, Kelly, and KAT run!!!
I got hit was weird. Me and Nikki were walking and this guys comes up to me and was like whats your name and i just ignored him and kept walking but he followed us and put his arm around me and asked again and then he said "what shool do you go to?" and when i said naperville north hes said "oh too far" i was relieved, very very relieved. Oh Nikki, thoes Romeoville boys
We saw Sin City, that movie was odd but it was pretty good. the only color in it was small amounts of red, blue, green, and yellow/orange.
at home after the movie was awesome. hahah me and nikki stayed up till around 2 ish. haha omg we had so much fun.
random funny things from last night that no one will find funny except for me and Nikki
"he's still getting run over by that car"
"can I cut off your wall and take it home with me"
Nikki: there needs to be at least one on every continent Me: what about South Africa Nikki: No, they have AIDS
Nikki: whats that red man
Me: What red man
Nikki: the red man there in the corner next to the penguin
Me: what???
Nikki: I swear I'm not crazy
Then today me and Nikki went to the mall. we were there for 5 hours. haha
I got hit on again, but this time I was smart. I pretended to have a boyfriend
I bought a skirt!! It looks exactly the same as one I bought at the beginning of the school year, but I can't find it. I bet I'm going to find it now...oh well.
ohhhh its so pretty
The beach is just right down that street. Oh I miss it so much, when I was there I forgot about everything that was bothering me, except for one night for about 10 min when I found out I was lied to
well how was everyones weekends