As Fall struggles to be born...

Sep 07, 2010 21:19

If you were in the mood, have some photos from my recent forest rambles. These contain strange things, bright lights, and insects (no spiders or froggies today, but there are pretty moth and beetle things.)

Can you see the fairy in the above picture? B)

A less-than-restful denizen of the grass. It took 6 flowers and a dozen shots for the bugger to sit still long enough.

I love when parts of the forest glow at just the right angles.

Bitty insects form a cyclone in a dying strip of sun.

They're like fairy gold o/

Creeping within the berry branches. Watch out for that hobo!

Is this camouflage?

I must have stared into that thicket for ten minutes... the play of light made me want to follow it.

Butterfly creature take two!

Apposite berries opposite one another.

I hope he isn't trying to blend in 8|

Mr. Hopper zen chilling on his twig.

A wild moe moth has appeared! These are one of the most common grass hugger moths around here.

Another pic of him, different lighting.

And at another angle...

Then this chocolate ish colored moth.

Then, finally, this bizarre creature here. What is it even???

Oh it's Linda I mean, the world will never know.

hobo paradise, fall season, moths, loren has a camera

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