Oct 14, 2004 03:55
In life we have been given the greatest of powers, we have been given the privilege to choose. From birth we are faced with decisions, though at a young age we are not able to make them for our selves, we still have them. A choice is so powerful because, one person’s choice can affect some one on the other side of the planet but more likely effects those closest to us. In the earlier years of our life’s those choices made for us echo through the choices we make for the rest of our life. Some of those choices are good and some are bad, those good help us make healthy decisions and those bad assist in creating the unhealthy habits we form in our later years. I know how the bad ones affect us because I have lived through the reprocusions of people making bad decisions on my behalf, though there may be things that linger I encourage those who read this to choose life, nothing is over yet. We as people have the ability to choose love or hatred but may lack the capability, I too understand this, my solution is to be loved then love others. Another big choice is life or death, I don't necessarily mean dead or alive but in the sense of choosing things that associate themselves with life or death. An example of this would be if some one insults me I should give them compliment or let’s say some one does something out of the ordinary acknowledge what they did and encourage them in a skill that was used, this even works in situations when some one is doing something bad. So I encourage those who are reading to make decisions with wisdom because you have been given such a great power. Please know that others are around you and you may affect them.
Faith Hope Love