(no subject)

Jan 09, 2013 03:23

Title: Evening Shif
Author name: iforget45
Category: Drabble
Keywords:  Dramione, St. Mungo's
Rating: G
Summary:  Set after the seventh book, Draco is a Healer at St. Mungo’s
DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author notes: May or may not take the epilogue into consideration depending on your preference.


Draco stumbled through the door and tossed his bag on an armchair. It had been a long day. Gilderoy had wandered into magical burns again and tried to sign the headboards, and she had come in again. It was always a bittersweet rush to see her. She smelled like parchment and lavender and there was something mesmerizing about her deep chocolate eyes, but he knew that the excited, hopeful look that she got on her face when she asked how they were would melt away when he gave her the same answer he always did. “Not yet, Miss. Granger, maybe tomorrow.”

fanfiction, hermione granger, drabble, draco malfoy, hermione/draco, harry potter, fan fiction, dramione, draco/hermione

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