Wanna hear something lame?

Apr 07, 2008 18:46

I just read my whole live journal history/archive. Wow some of my posts are so funny. I can't believe I wrote some of the things I did. It's interesting to see yourself change within a journal. I'm sure tons of people grew out of posting to this all the time like we did in high school, but I always seem to come back and check it. It's my link to some of my friends lives.

We won our intramural game yesterday 12-3 I think. We did pretty well.

I talked to Amanda today for the first time in like a month since we have both been so busy lately. On Friday I found out I got into Nursing school at LSUHSC in New Orleans. I'm pretty excited about it. I will be moving home next semester. I know I have changed my major like a million times. I'm 33 hours away from a degree in Kinesiology that I would have graduated in May of next year with, but If i'm not going to do anything with it, whats the point. So I'm just going to Nursing school in the Fall.  I will get my nursing degree and then masters. It will work out and I will be happy doing it.

On Sunday we took my cousin Trudy to see the LSU baseball game at the box and since she is partially blind she got to sit right behind home plate. I was so happy because you should have seen her face. It was an ear to ear smile and her eyes were so wide. They won the game against Alabama which was a plus.

I had school today and Jogging was good, jogged around campus. Principles of Conditioning gave me a good work out too. Then, physics was boring as usual except me and Alex cutting up and making fun of our professor who is seriously one of those stalker guys who loves young women. My last 3 classes were the same ole same ole and Then I came here to watch TV/ break, read all my journal archive, and now study Anatomy.

I sometimes feel like I'm screaming at the top of my lungs but no one hears me.

If anyone read this, I know I lead a boring life.
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