http://www. thepetitionsite. com/1/end-cruel-experiments-on-wild-caught-bats
Currently, Texas A&M University captures Pallid bats from an established, and now dwindling colony, to be used in cruel experiments with little to no value.
These nocturnal animals are subjected to an unnatural and inhospitable environment, forced to work up to six hours during the day; exposed to drugs, alcohol and painful procedures without sedation. After being restrained in unnatural positions for extended periods of time, many bats have self-mutilated in an attempt to gain freedom. Some were necropsied alive because of failed euthanasia attempts. And the list of atrocities goes on.
These experiments are not performed for the greater good of humanity, but so a students can learn the steps of scientific experiment; something that can be learned without the use of any animal.
In fact, conducting such experiments promotes a lack of compassion and concern for the natural world, rather than the respect and careful stewardship that an institute of higher learning should be instilling in students.
Bats are shy, gentle, intelligent creatures that are so often misunderstood. These are wild animals, who know and remember what it is like to be free.
Please, sign this petition asking Texas A&M to put an immediate end to these experiments, and to give the remaining bats to a local licensed wildlife rehabilitator who can either nurse them back to health and release them, or provide them lifelong sanctuary.