Ahhh home sweet home

Jul 24, 2005 17:30

Well Im finally back in the city! yay!!!!!!!!!!1 running water and electricty and computer and phones and all the stuff city girls have!... while up there ppl decided I was a city girl and a prep... but yah we went tubing a lot. and we went and saw War of the worlds. Freaky movie! but the lil kids got a kick outta the stupidest stuff.. but Im not getting into any more details it would take to long and Im lazy rite now. But after we left me and my mom went to my family reunion.. I actually had fun. We bought a tent and I camped for the first time ((well sorta.)) But yah I hung out with all my lttle chitlen cousins. My cousins Emma and SKyler leached onto me. then we all sat in my moms van((8 of us)) and watched the pacifier. Then I went in my tent. and all the drunk adults jumped in the lake it was funny. ((I will never let myself become a drunk!))But yah and then it started thunderstormi9ng. I was so fucking scared. It didnt thunder THEN lightning it just thunder and lightning at the same time and the storm just kept circling the lake.. It was fucking scary! I had to go in this guys basement.. I didnt sleep at all last nite... what hell that is. But im done now cuz Im home and Im bored already. I have to get a different tent tho cuz I was sleeping in a puddle last nite.. GR
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