Cursive show = most awesometastical thing ever in terms of music.

May 07, 2004 15:40

Patrick is the bestest.

Mike Park is a ::insert hickish accent:: bad ass.

Denali is broken.

Decahedron wants us to "delete false culture". double you tee eff.

The Darkest Hour is scary kind of, but more so because of the people in the moshes than the band itself.

Cursive. yeah. lived up to their "we are the fucking greatest band ever, bitch" expectations.

I told Gretta she was my idol, and she placed her hand to her chest like she was touched by it. I'm probably one out of five hundred thousand that have told her the same thing, but she's great.

Reva and Sam were there. So were lots of people I didn't know.

I think I might have missed my favourite cursive song by taking photo booth pictures, but it's probably just my imagination.

Patrick stayed the night. I bought a seventy dollar yearbook this morning at seven something really early in the AM.

Then we got iced coffee/bagel/donut from dnd.

I have nails. be proud. very, very proud.

school = almost over, so can't quite complain so much.

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