I cant belive i did this....

Apr 30, 2005 14:40

So i filled this out, the first time ive ever done one of these things, some of the questions apply to some of you, so uh yeah read it, and comment....bitches

What is your name? Clay

Are you named after anyone? yeah, both grandfathers (first and middle names)

What's your screename? cws9876 (lame)

Would you name a child of yours after you? idk, my name would probably sound better with a number after it...

If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? no one

Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly? clint, cliff, glenn?, sullivan?


Your gender: male

Straight/Gay/Bi: straight

Birthdate: 7/6/87

Your age: 17ish

Age you wish you were: 18 (two more months)

Your height: 5'10?

Eye color: blue, hazel

Happy with it? you know

Hair color: uh....blonde/light brown?

Happy with it? it don matta wit me

Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: left, but i try to be ambidextrous

Your living arrangement: home, soon to be in a dorm =/
Have any pets? 2 cats

Piercings? no, maybe soon

Tattoos? yea......no

Obsessions? sunflower seeds, music, MYS94C3, DANE COOK

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it

Do you have any secrets? most likely

Do you hate yourself? neg

Do you like your handwriting? ....i do, others dont

Do you have any bad habits? talking about people

What is the compliment you get from most people? N/A

If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?

Can you sing? somewhat

Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? all the time....except not

If you were another person, would you be friends with you? maybe....i dont like this question

Are you a daredevil? probably not, but i did talk shit to this bum one time

Do you have a journal? livejournal.....

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? my laziness/procrastinating/ lameness in general

Do you think you are emotionally strong? kind of

Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? getting a myspace account

What do you like the most about your body? my....eyes? idk

And least? uh, my ears?

Do you think you are good looking? i guess...

Are you confident? with some things

Do You...

Smoke? yes

Do drugs? no

Read the newspaper? not really

Pray? somewhat

Go to church? ditto

Talk to strangers who IM you? that never happens

Sleep with stuffed animals? no but there is this blanket...

Take walks in the rain? sure

Talk to people even though you hate them? there is this one girl....but i dont really "hate" people

Would or Have You Ever?

Liked your voice? um sure

Been out of the country? no

Done drugs? there was this one time...

Gone skinny dipping? not that i can recall

Had a medical emergency? yes

Had surgery? twice

Ran away from home? no

Played strip poker? no

Been picked on? yeah

Been on stage? yeah

Slept outdoors? yeah

Thought about suicide? not exactly

Pulled an all nighter? pretty much

Gone one day without food? me? pahaha

Talked on the phone all night? yeah that was lame

Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex? haha well kind

Slept all day? only when im sick

Killed someone? yeah im xtuffx....no

Made out with a stranger? well one time this girl did bite my lip

Had sex with a stranger?nah

Kissed the same sex? nope

Had a dream that came true? i dont think that can happen

Broken the law? oh yeah

Met a famous person? its hard to say

Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? all the time

Stolen anything? one time i stole candy from a baby.....or was that a convience store?

Been on radio/tv? who?

Been in a mosh-pit? nah i dont like that "screaming" music.....pahaha

Had a nervous breakdown? like jug jug jug?

Bungee jumped? no

Had a dream that kept coming back? i dont remember


Belive in life on other planets? oh yea

Miracles? some say that i am a miracle......idk

Magic? yea that shit is so real....like wrestling

God? yeah

Satan? not really, but maybe

Santa? DUH

Ghosts? very much so

Love at first sight? im pretty sure thats impossible and only happens in movies

Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)? yes, there is an opposite to everything in life....look it up

Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yeah but thats rare these days

Do you wish on stars? no but they fascinate me

Deep Theological Questions

Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? no, its a story, but i do belive there is a place that we go to after death, whether "paradise" or another life all together

Where do you think we go when we die? im pretty sure i just said that....


Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? yeah, nikki and michelle

Who's the one person that knows most about you? uh, my mom

Last person you talked to online? that thug C-knee

Who do you talk to most online? your mom?

Who are you on the phone with most? nikki and nicole

Who do you trust most? nikki

Who listens to your problems? nikki, and my mom

Who's on your shit-list? ......this one guy from dutchtown and boy is he lame....

Do you always feel understood? rarely

Do you trust others easily? unfortunately yes

Who's house were you last at? my cousin's

Do your friends know you? a few

Friend that lives farthest away: my dad

Love and All That

Do you consider love a mistake? nah

Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them ? yeah, that might help.....unless you are into middle school relationships

Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? one girl does....

What's the last present someone gave you? SWEET MIDGETS, form niggi

Do you like someone? you could say that

Do you consider that person hot? i do

Are you dating someone? no

Who Was the Last Person...

That haunted you? uh no one..

That you laughed at? i cant remeber that shit

That laughed at you? uh ditto

You went shopping with? i dont really shop

That broke your heart? probably jen andry

To disappoint you? jordan, and my cousin

To ask you out? no one

To make you cry? i dont remember

To brighten up your day? niggi, and nicole

That you thought about? how am i supposed to know

You saw a movie with? one of my friends?

You talked to on the phone? paul

You talked to through IM/ICQ? didnt i already answer this question

You saw? my mom

Right This Moment...

What are you wearing right now? hoodie and shorts

Body part you're touching right now: im typing.....

What are you worried about right now? exams, and life in general

What book are you reading? angels and demons

What's on your mousepad? N/A

Are you bored? not really

Are you tired? nope

Are you talking to anyone online? not really

Are you talking to anyone on the phone? no

Are you listening to music? yeah
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