Sep 11, 2009 14:35
I think I got roofied last night. After I got drunk at work, I wanted to go out so Alexis picked me up. I thought we were going to Hiawatha, but she dragged me to this fist-pumping bar where a large crowd had gathered to watch a stupid football game. I got a jack and coke, drank a quarter of it and then accidentally knocked it over and spilled it on the slutty looking bartender. Slutty bartender quickly made me another one, which was nice but didn't make me forget that she's a hooker. I took a few sips from the second drink and realized I was extremely tired and kinda confused. Mind you, it was only 9:30 at this point. I began to feel light-headed, short of breath, and saw those black spots in front of my eyes that told me I would pass out if I didn't get some fresh air stat. I asked Alexis to bring me home, explained the situation to Deanna and Joe who told me to call Mom. I didn't call and was passed the fuck out by 10. Then I woke up at 2am, wide awake, and couldn't fall back asleep until 6. So those sketchy dudes that were standing next to us at the bar may have been the culprits. The curly-haired guy was a total dick, thought I was wearing a football jersey, and then got pissed when I told him I wasn't. I confessed that I didn't know anything about football, which made him even more mad, and then when I spilled my drink he said, "I'd tell you that you just fumbled, but you wouldn't know what the means anyway." Sorry I didn't know I was being dragged to a bro football roofie bar, dickhole. The other guy was getting drinks for his fellow bros, and kept looking at me, backing away from the bar, gesturing towards Alexis's purse and our drinks with his hands up and saying, "Everything's safe!" Very suspicious, even though I was with the purse and drinks the whole time.
The girls at work and I served the residents at their fancy dinner party, elegant dining. Sue said we weren't allowed to drink, which made us want to drink even more. Taryn picked up a bottle of wine for us, so either way we were killing it. I had a couple glasses, got a shot of red stag from dietary Chris, and Bryan kept handing me his gin and tonic. Needless to say, I was feeling pretty fucking awesome. Elegant dining is so much more bearable when you're hammered. I loved my job when I was there wasted. Whether that's a good or bad thing is beyond me.