Disappointment [Screened to Friends List (which really isn't any different than usual)]

May 14, 2010 12:40

Words cannot express my disappointment. I have always taken pride in my work at iFly Airlines and have regarded them with utmost respect. However, I cannot help but feel betrayed for what they've done.

For those who don't know, iFly Airlines approached me with a wonderful opportunity to design their new line of jumbo jets, thanks to the overnight success of my suitcases. It was the most exciting thing to ever happen to me in my life.

Anyway, this is the design sketch that I submitted to headquarters:

As you can see, I tried to go for a more avant-garde look. Experimenting with purples and oranges and of course the beautiful Aureolin yellow. I think it is safe to say it is one of my best pieces yet.

However, a couple weeks later, they came back to me with this:

I don't think it is even necessary to point out the differences between the two because this design is obviously nothing like the one I submitted. After making a query about it, I was told that they decided to hire a "ghost" designer to "tighten up" the design for me.

I am upset that they would blatantly put my name on something that I had no say in at all. Even more so, it makes me doubt my talent as a designer, which is the worst feeling of all. If they were not interested in my design from the start, then why would they bother coming to me in the first place? I feel anger towards myself for not standing behind my design and sticking up for it, but my confidence is not at its highest at the moment.

As a service professional, I will of course not let this affect my work performance, but it would be a lie to say it hasn't taken a toll on my morale.

i don't luv ifly airlines

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