Oow baby...

Sep 29, 2009 21:26

From I didn't know I was pregnant:

"Amazingly without any drugs D gives birth vaginally..."Myeah, human females have been giving birth for aprox. 100.000 years and suddenly it doesn't happen without drugs!? Though I have heard American programs claim similar things, how amazing it is that a woman would give birth without medical attention. (Maybe ( Read more... )

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iflie October 2 2009, 11:33:10 UTC
I don't so much live in mud as I live in cathair...

Hm I take my antihistamines when I need them so once or twice a year. Paracetamol when I'm cramping but a hot water bottle is actually more important there so I guess I could go without them. Vitamin pills though, quite important for me. I don't get out much so I at least need the extra vitamin D, especially with my skin having some sun protection. And while normally a very varied healthy diet contains everything you need who eats fatty fish a few times a week? And enough greens?

Also the vitamin and mineral content of the foods we grow has gone way down since we started mass producing. Both meat and vegetables have gone way down in value to our bodies. So what used to be true, both the wisdom as the nutritional data are obsolete.

And you only have to worry about me being a monstermom if you impregnate me or in any way assume a daddy role over my kids or occasionally my cat hehe. I get very protective and have no sense of flexibility when it comes to weak things I'm responsible for and probably would take every little thing too seriously. (exampl:you gave him a piece of your raw steak!? WTF *thunderclouds gather*)

I'd prefer to stay one but not yet enough to have my tubes tied or anything like that, so I guess there is still wiggleroom.



thecaretaker October 2 2009, 12:40:13 UTC
But which is worse?

Warm hands do the trick too when you don't have a water bottle present, or so I learned :p

That's true.. but I still prefer not taking any supplements and stuff..

I'll let you take care of the cats then :p

Wiggleroom? Not tied down tight enough?

And now I'm off to England for the weekend


iflie October 2 2009, 14:02:12 UTC
Well, mud doesn't cuddle and makes me go awwwwwww.

For many women the touch of their guy helps a lot with removing the cramping pain, something to do with hormones. I hope to try that out one day, I also have a strong urge to want to be snuggled that first painful period day so the right guy would be the perfect hotwaterbottle. Humans are about 90% water anyways hehe.

You can always buy biological foods, they are pretty good and getting cheaper.

Well I'm sure I wont be that possessive over the poopiescooping. *nodnod*

And well wiggleroom is good, makes you able to have the illusion of struggle right? If I happened to get suddenly totally healthy I might change my mind about having kids, or I could just have one by accident...or God gets naughty again.

Have a good time in England...and take pics, there has been a lack of those lately. You work too much.



thecaretaker October 3 2009, 07:59:28 UTC
I started this reply yesterday at the airport on my phone, but I accidentally deleted it before posting. Damn phone with keys too close together and a 'back' function which, when you go forward again forgets all the words you had just typed. So now I'm in England on my laptop.

But mud also comes without sharp nails.

I buy most of my veggies at the open/farmers market on saturday anyway. just for the idea of healthy, instead of the perfectly arranged, prepacked, spotless stuff at the supermarket.

That's the good thing about cats. Give them a place to poop, and they will do it there. Makes for much easier cleaning than with dogs.

A bit of wiggleroom is good in some cases.

Same here, if I'd get healthy I might consider kids. I love kids, but don't really want my own. My sister once said she'd see me ending up dating single mom, because I do love kids. I'm good with them. My mother thinks I made a wrong choice with mechanical engineering and should have gone into childcare or something.

I am already having a good time and pictures will be taken. And I still have my Greece pictures to go over and post, which I will if I ever get the time. Yes, I work too much.


iflie October 3 2009, 11:09:31 UTC
Ahh Grover, that's been ages. My favorite was cookiemonster though...obviously.

I hate that accidentally delete thing, my second tries are never as good.

And hey what's wrong with a nice set of nails, hehe.

These days you end up chasing dogs with a pooperscooper too but with the little plastic bag you also have to really feel the poop. With cats that's less so.

At the moment mine does his business outside and I've seen him dig really deep holes and then cover his stuff well. You'd hardly know he'd been there. When he uses the littertray inside I just wait until I can just remove the whole bag in one go, so no scooping.

Adoption is always another option when you have health issues in your genes. I wouldn't care if they are mine or someone elses as long as I can deal with the efforts. While I like kids I'm not really into running after them much.

And hey there are lots of single moms and you'd have less competition. But it's easy to be mistaken for a creep if you stand around schoolyards waiting to hit on them *grin



thecaretaker October 3 2009, 17:41:05 UTC
Why would it be obvious cookiemonster was your favorite?

Nothing wrong with a nice set of nails.. on the right kind of kitten.

I do the same with my cat. Just change it once a week, instead of scoop it out every day as you actually should. Easier that way.

Adoption is always and option, but at the moment I'm happy enough on my own with my cat :p

As for picking up women, I have enough trouble picking up single women, let alone single moms :p. A few months ago a random one approached me though, asking me to take pictures of her son :p.


iflie October 3 2009, 19:39:35 UTC
Let's see, blue idiot or a happy blue monster who always gets cookies and creates a sort of cookiespray.

I always go for the food related ones.

If the litterbox gets too dirty the cat will let you know, mine is okay with about once a week usually as he'll mainly use it at night.

I'm only sure that I'll at least adopt more cats in my lifetime. Right now one is enough coupled with the visitors. Mickey is going to the vet monday and i'm hoping he doesn't need a bathing cure for his skin because he's going to fight hard and he bites.

Money wise too an old cat can get expensive, so more would get risky.

Hm have you tried fetlife yet? There are quite a few dutch people.



thecaretaker October 3 2009, 23:24:09 UTC
I figured you more a blue idiot person :p

Missy is the same.

You're the second person suggesting I join fetlife today. Maybe I should, though I'm not actively searching for a single mom.


iflie October 4 2009, 17:20:52 UTC
I have told you about my brother right? So I was basically programmed from birth to be fed up by idiocy, Grover never worked for me as funny.

Well hehe, fetlife is filled with people but kids are generally not mentioned. You never know what type of sub you may run into though. As it's not a site specifically for dating the number of men messaging with their penis in hand is a bit lower than in other more specific places like Collarme.

Not that you as a guy would notice that as much but you can kind of meet people via posting on threads.



thecaretaker October 4 2009, 17:39:01 UTC
I was the oldest, so I could still like Grover. I have a fondness for odd characters. Grover, Gonzo etc.

It turns out I was already a member when I tried to join this morning. Must have been quite some time ago since I had forgotten all about it. I try to keep my dick in handedness to minimum. At least on first contact :p

We'll see if I'll meet anyone interesting. There were not that many people from Overijssel on there...


iflie October 4 2009, 17:49:17 UTC
My love was for the more negativly slanted chacters. Oscar in the garbage for example. In some ways I've never really changed my tastes.

I'm also on fetlife as Iflie but I have kept my profile empty to keep the messages from men away. (almost worked) And I haven't posted.



thecaretaker October 4 2009, 18:18:29 UTC
Oscar was a nice enough character, but too needy for me. I prefered the individuals like Ernie and The Swedish Chef :p

I figured you were on fetlife so I looked you up and added you. tcc, if you want to add me :p


iflie October 5 2009, 13:08:04 UTC
I had an Ernie doll but I think that was more because we watched the show everyday. Swedish Chef was cooler. Miss Piggie was impressive.

And yups I added you back and because I don't do much with my profile I at least can stalk my friends in there hehe. And there are more people in your province on there than in mine.

We do seem to have a sort of munch or playmeeting around here. But meh what do I need with a bunch of old people who like to spank eachother with an audiance.



thecaretaker October 5 2009, 14:10:22 UTC
I ofcourse had both Ernie and Bert, and Kermit I think, but it might have been my brother's. I'm not sure.

I'm not sure if I'll do much on there. It seems to be more a handy read-up/help site than a facebook for fetishists (Fetbook?) But yes, it's handy to have a place outside of lj to talk about that kind of stuff :p

You'd prefer to do the spanking in the safety of your own home, without old people googling over you? :p


iflie October 5 2009, 15:14:10 UTC
My brother had Bert.

Fetlife is huge and it doesn't tend to have these types of conversations. But for reading it's pretty good and you do have specific profiles that tell you about the person and a list of groups they watch so you can kind of judge what they are into.

I;d like to take the spanking and the flogging and all the nasty fun stuff and keep it between me and my mate without someone else who has nothing to do with it being there. Nor do I like watching them get busy or even treating eachother like Dom and sub. It only makes sense in my head between two people.



thecaretaker October 5 2009, 15:24:08 UTC
Yeah, as I said, it does appear more for reading and not for meeting people. But that's ok with me.

I'd like to keep that stuff privatish. It's not like some people don't know about certain preferences, but out in the open is a bit too much :p. And there is something naughty in doing it privately. Like a shared secret, which when you look at eachother you both immediately know what you're thinking about.


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