*snif snif*

Sep 18, 2009 19:50

I gots teh after manga blues again.

Gawd, I get it with stories I get very into and then it ends and I'm get the sad bunny until I find something to ease me back out. It's not like a real depression but I've had this type of thing since I was a kid and put my hand over my mother's mouth when she'd sing really sad songs that made me cry. Too young ( Read more... )

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pixietulip September 19 2009, 11:48:32 UTC
I don't know wether I'd go to the movies to see Up because I havn't really liked the last couple of Pixar ones. I've not seen Wall-E yet, I saw Rattatouille and wasn't overly impressed, I just thought it was an o.k movie. Don't like Cars, thought Nemo was just o.k but I do like the Incredibles and the earlier movies. Did you think it was better or on par with the earlier movies? I'll definantly be seeing Toy Story 3 when it comes out :)


iflie September 19 2009, 12:06:14 UTC
Rattatouille was just one of those ok movies and not impressive indeed. Cars is the same. I loved Nemo but one of the most acclaimed movies Monster Inc didn't seem upto par for me. Wall-E I thought was brilliant, way above the earlier stuff and I think the same thing about Up though the two are of a different range ( ... )


pixietulip September 19 2009, 12:31:20 UTC
I dunno if maybe I hyped Nemo too much in my head - it looked so good in the adverts and I thought I would really like so when I saw it it was a dissapointment for me!

Yeah I'll wait 'til I can rent it. You always know that Pixar movies are going to be good visually but it's not that I'm desperate to see it or want to go to the movies for the experience of seeing it at the movies (like LOTR).


iflie September 19 2009, 13:10:42 UTC
Yes, Hyping is a death sentence for most movies. I saw Wall-E while I knew nothing about the hype or what the movie was about and was amazed from the start. All the previews and things ruin the story because you go in already spoilered and filled with expectations.

But the companies don't care about that, they just want to see sold tickets.

Though even then a second viewing I've found can actually be pretty nice and you see things you missed before. I liked Monsters Inc more on other viewings than the first time.

And yes LOTR was almost like ride in an amusement park with the visuals, few animated movies need that sort of scope, especially when the story is the main thing. I also don't see why people go to the movies for drama when you can have much more pleasure from watching when not in a big room with coughing and talking people.



pixietulip September 19 2009, 14:51:53 UTC
Don't forget the kids that insist on aiming lollies at your head! Yeah at home tends to be a nicer experience - you can always pause it if you need to go to the loo, it's cheaper and you can always turn it off if it turns out to be a load of bollocks :)


iflie September 19 2009, 15:08:10 UTC
Oh yeah especially the latter! I watch all the stuff OL and I'd feel so cheated if I had to pay to watch ten minutes of some god awful crappy movie. Now I feel totally fine just browsing through things until I find something to my liking.

I'd only go to the movies for sci fi and fantasy and when you avoid the times the kids go it can actually be pretty decent. But we ofcourse still have that nice divide between the English version of a movie and the dutch ones and most of the younger kids that throw lollies would be at the latter.

Not that I didn't see a kid at Alien Ressurection that wasn't even ten yet, but that trauma would his parent's fault. (there's an alien that looks like Micheal Jackson ya see, and he gets sucked through a tiny hole)



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