Boring yet long...(I know, it's a talent)

Jun 29, 2009 15:05

My new best friend; calamine (zink-oxide) ointment with wheatgerm oil and vitamin E. It's meant for babybums but gawd that stuff is awesome! I may have to go trough life with a semi permanent white vale over my skin, it's just that good.

My skin is terribly sensitive and with the stress issues I've been having it just got worse. Hives, random itches, bumps and redness. It tends to get burny itchy and while normal ointments help it a bit (I tried everything) calamine ointment isn't commonly used for this sort of thing here. I just read about it OL and they had a sale at the store so I tried it.

Anyone with shaving irritations should try it too, it cools, stops the itching and survives a shower or two. Even if you wash it off the skin feels soft and more resilient somehow. Though I must add this is the babybutt version so it's thick and contains things designed to create a barrier on the skin that protects from rubbing. (paraffin, glycerin, hydrogenated wax and some polyglyceryl type stuffs) Perfect for bikiniline shaving because of the cooling and keeping the skin dry effect.

There seems to be evidence it reduces hair growth too but I have not read anything about that OL and with me it seems to be a bit inconsistent. There may just be something in this brand that works that way on my skin. Wouldn't it be great if it was better than all that expensive stuff they sell for that reason?

In other news, apparently there is such a thing as tonsil stone. WTF!? I'd never heard of that before yet people are having them all the time. I never really knew why they removed tonsils so readily when I was a kid but maybe this is why...people hack up foul smelling rocks from holes left by tonsillitis and strep throat. Yeah that would scare me too.

Luckily I've never had a throat infection. I do have a huge chunck of my wisdom tooth that broke off though and now there is a hole that can be sensitive. But because of my stress issues I can't go get it fixed yet. Lets hope I'm not getting an infection in there...

And for any other motherless/orphans out there, have you ever noticed an added interest in ladies over 50? I've been eying such potentials in a subconscious manner and just caught myself doing it. Ya know, greying, motherly figure etc. Though I draw the line at this.

(Dame Edna)

It probably means I need to hang out with my second mother Dymph more but for that she really needs down to this side of the country and I think that will not happen anytime soon. *mopes*

I need a new mommy expletive!

Stress related hormonal bloodsugar issues are making me gain weight at the moment. I started out about 3 to 4 months ago at 64 kilos, went down to 62 in a heartbeat when I got so sick and now this week I weighed in at 68 again. Last time I weighed that was the beginning of last year. I can't diet at the moment because of the bloodsugar thing so I ordered a stationary bike which took me ages to construct.

I managed it a few days ago though so now I try to do about 15 min on the lightest setting to be safe. The saddle hurts a lot, hard to notice the legs working when your bum is going arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I added cushiony things but I think I just have to bite trough it until I have some sitting flesh back. Seems to be the nr1 complaint of people buying those bikes too, the seats are agony (yet look compfy).

Maybe pain helps to burn calories though because I stopped gaining and was at 67 this morning.

Have been ordering more stuff OL but have fallen into the pitfalls of such situations by ordering heaps of menstrual pads from a store I know. They are suposed to be my favorites but as the pics were vague and the German explanations incomplete I now have too thin pads and mini incontinence pads. I guess I'll just have to make due and keep the latter till I'm old enough to need them. Waste not want not? *smirkle*

To send the lot back would cost me more than the whole order costs.

I've send my brother out to get decent pads a few times now but he always comes back with teh wrong ones. I hate the extra thin ones they sell everywhere, they cause way too much sweating (too much plastic) which is nasty down there while you are already bleeding and the edges are sharp. Not to mention they only hold a very small amount so you have to be very weary or you'll leak. The old thick bodyform pads I used to have have no such issues.

Damn you pill popping females for ruining the pad assortments available! Us normally bleeding girls get stuck with the thin unabsorbant rubbish and I'm not going to put a dry hard plug of cotton up my fanny either. It's only for friendly visitors thank you very much. Any other intruders find the gates firmly closed and trying to breach them results in burning pain.

Tampons just don't give good foreplay ya know.

TMI? There's no such thing, periods are neither sexual, unhygienic or rude so I don't see why guys or girls should get squeamish about them.

Though I do love TMI and that tonsil stone story is from a community dedicated to that stuff.

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