I have granny period knickers too! They double as nighttime knickers so they get a lot of use, hence their large mishapenness.
OMG Brad Pitt in the Curious Case of Benjamin Button - his take on that accent made me want to poke my eardrums with a knitting needle. Note: I am not a Brad Pitt person.
I liked Slumdog Millionaire - especially the part where the kid saved his photo from the shit so he could get it signed. I thought that was cute (if not disgusting). Did you catch the lead actors accent slipping up? He's British and quite often I heard his accent slip up. It is very sad, but at least they get together in the end.
Australia - no kidding? Go see it? Do you like Nicole Kidman or saw it despite of Nicole Kidman (we are Nicole Kidman haters).
About the kitties under the fence - is this to stop them getting into that persons backyard? If so I'd leave them there. Some people have small animals they don't want eaten by cats, some people have really bad allergies and some people just don't want cat's digging up their garden to poo in it. Also you probably don't want to start a conflict, if they don't want them in their backyard that's their perrogative, and some people really don't like cats. Of course if they're blocking it so they can't get out into your yard onto the street or something that's a different story.
Dorothy Jane - If it was written or thought like she was saying it, maybe she was just stupid and didn't actually know how tall she was!
Why on earth would I remove tiles from closing a gap in someone else's garden? LOL
It's my own garden, therefor my prerogative if I want to let kitties in. Not that it made much difference because the cats just use other gaps or climb over the fence. The neighbours don't want them in their garden because they have pigeons and they have put up wire and extra fencing along the wall and fence that runs between our gardens but they themselves have a garden fence that is low and has huge gaps so any cat can still get in. Easier than into my garden.
So the whole trying to stop my own cat from getting out and other cats coming in my garden makes no sense at all. As if all kitties in the neighbourhood get into their garden from mine...
My granny panties are the most comfortable ones I have and as long as no one is going to see them i tend to wear them all the time. The ones that have lost their stretch are bad for my periods though. But in general they are better for the flora down there, the cuter uncomfortable ones are too synthetic to absorb enough and don't let air through.
I'm not a Brad Pitt person either but I can stand him, same goes for Nicole Kidman but it really depends on the movie. If the story is good enough I cans till enjoy it. Which is not the case with quite a few other actors, like Antony Hopkins.
I know the boy from Slumdog Millionaire was british, I'm bad with accents though so when he spoke more british it didn't bother me. I though the movie was utterly depressing. Especially his brother betraying him and raping the girl and all that.
Dorothy Jane does look shortish but she suposed to be young so I didn't think about it. But when looking at the numbers it's not something you would run into much around here. Most girls get their periods earlier than age 14 and they stop growing taller around that time.
Hm I just checked the actress height, she is 5'2" now and she wasn't completely developed at the start of the series. So it's possible she grew an inch afterwards, but the line in the script may just have been a bit of a creative licence thing with the truth.
'Why on earth would I remove tiles from closing a gap in someone else's garden? LOL' yeah I thought the same thing, so I wondered why these people would be doing it! Maybe the neighbours think you're cats aren't sterilised and think that if they can stop cats going into your garden it will prevent more cats - but that seems dumb if there's plenty of access and the fences are low. Maybe they think they're helping you confine your cats to your garden? Maybe they're just strange :P I think your logic works well 'As if all kitties in the neighbourhood get into their garden from mine...' - that sounds like what they think, like that because you have cats this attracts other cats and then they see the pigeons - it's a bit of twisted logic but would be a million times more logical if they patched their fence.
You should sit by the hole until they patch it again, and as they do it, push down the tile and then stick you eye right up to the hole so if they come back to put the tile back they will think your completely nuts and leave you alone. Also it would probably scare the shit out of them! Or leave a note 'This hole is a special kitty portal leading directly into nextdoors back yard - please leave open to allow kitties free access to pigeon yummies'
Why don't you like Antony Hopkins? I hate Nicole Kidman because she can't act and looks stupid while trying, I don't like Brad Pitt because it seems most people just like him because he's hot and I don't think he's hot and then there's ones I don't like because of personal life stuff (like Tom Cruise) and I find the furore surrounding Dinsey actors to be dumb, therefore I tend to think the people are dumb (even though I never watch anything they're in!) and also they tend to leak half nekkid pictures of themselves on the internet which makes me think they're immature (when they go on about wanting to be taken seriously). Who else don't you like?
The thing is before I moved into this house I think the owner has been gone for a while. I'm not sure what her views on cats was but she did have a few pigeon signs on the fence. When I arrived the neighbourhood cats were all using the garden as a communal playground.
Most, if not all the cats come from a house on the corner of the next street. All our gardens face eachother with a path running inbetween them. Most gardens have very low fencing or bushes. My fence is actually one of the tallest around, but there is a gap running along the bottom.
The cats ofcourse go in all gardens and mostly use the path to move around. If they want to go to my garden they have to walk along the path, skip the garden with the pigeons (their fence is a few poles like picked white fence?) and then come hang out with me. On the whole the simple fact that my garden is a safe zone for all those cats to hang out means they spend less time in the garden with the pigeoncoop.
Mickey is not an attraction for them, he just tolerates them and shares his garden. He gets to roam where he wants and I've even seen him suck upto some neighbours a few houses over in the catrow. If the cats are on the path at the back of the gardens they are basically free to step in any yard they want. Obviously those people were catfriendly.
I am thinking of making a bigger hole along the bottom of the fence to make the cats getting in and out a little easier. There is no reason for anyone to object because the hole will just lead to the path, not anyone's yard. Plus my own cat isn't interested in pigeons, other people's cats are not my responsibility. They do skip on the neutering and spaying I believe though I haven't yet detected a babybump with Mommacat.
I think Antony Hopkins always hurries his lines and always sounds the same way because of it. then it doesn't matter what character he plays it's just always Anthony Hopkins.
The actors I tend to like as actors are the ones who I can't recognise from one role to the next. Like Christopher Bale.
I hate Jenifer Lopez, lots of the cast of Friends, Julia Roberts though I do watch some of her movies I think she's still ew. Madonna should never do interviews let alone movies. And actually quite a few other celebrities suffer from the fact that people think they play good parts so they must be riveting in person too, most actors are disappointing when it comes to their personal life. I think it has something to do with the amaunt of people becoming actors because they want to be famous, you always get the sort of "whorish" personality types. They like fads.
Cat hole becaomes curiouser and curiouser. Go ahead and make it bigger (for you to make the it easier for cats to get in an out) and for me to get to know if one of your neighbours has a fit! It's so weird that you're being targeted.
Oh yeah 'Jenny from the Block' is annoying! I wonder if Ben Affleck dies if he ever happens to glimpse himself in that video clip. 'Friends' are annoying too and think they can act in movies because they were in TV for years. I don't mind Julia Roberts - I really like 'Erin Brokovich' and Maddonnas just.... I think she is in denial that she's getting older. Please no more leotards. I find pretty much all talk show hosts really annoying. Even Oprah. I just don't Americans' obsession with her. One of my most hated people is Vince Donofrio from ones of those NCIS/SVU whatever shows. I just can't stand him. Looking at his face on the TV makes me angry! I just inexplicably hate him. Some people you just do though don't you - something about their face makes you distrust them or not like them.
Well, I think the same people fixed the board that fell out of my fence and sometimes my garbagecan gets moved next to my gardengate from the sidewalk after it was emptied. I also think someone removed weeds.
I'm hesitant to call it malicious intent. It's also a bit too dumb to be that. Maybe they think I am trying to keep my cat in or other cats out I just don't know. So far the tiles haven't been replaced and soon I'm going to put down some gravel on the outside so it's clear I gave the place some attention.
Ben Affleck is horrible too, as is his sidekick whathisname again. Though I do like that movie in which they are evil angels and you have Jay and Silent Bob.
I liked Erin Brockovich too. Madonna is mainly a deluded bitch who can't even pretend to be nice because you see right through it. Her openmouthed dancing is rather desperate by now but with clothes on she still looks good. Hm it does always remind me of Kylie Minogue who was popular at the same time but she is much prettier now, at least body wise.
I like talkshows but they never get really deep enough for me. they often ask the wrong questions.
Vince Donofrio doesn't annoy me but he should really be more healthy and stay slim. i only see him in Law&Order. But that other guy from Law&Order who plays MrBig in Sex&The City I find repulsive...he's so yuck. I hate his face.
The other thing I hate on tv is plastic boobs, I don't like the natural ones much either but at least they are not fake. There are so many phonesex adds with accompanying naked girls and boobs. Now if they were only small natural boobs, it would be less obscene.
What people get into their heads to feel proud of plastic bags under their skin I'll never know.
It's one of the fat pictures of Vincent Donofrio, he looks like he should be playing the villain. I think they played with that in the series because there were eps where they found him teetering on the edge of sanity and I think they charged him with something.
The trouble with Oz is that the character are so burned in your brain once you see them raping guys and being raped. And next thing you know you see them all the time on Law&Order, it's spookie to say the least. It's like they all made an appearance. They had the same cuts between scenes too so I guess the creator or directer just really liked these actors.
Madonna looks her age in that pic but more because she is trying to be so skinny, when your skin looses to age the worst thing you can do is try to remove all fat from your body. It just makes teh whole thing look more limp. But she does plastic surgery too so she would most likely just get a facelift. She should just grow old gracefully and put some clothes on.
Ofcourse we see Billy Pipers boobs and her naked body a lot, the show is about callgirls and the men don't watch to see her drama dealing with her boyfriends and all the lies she tells herself and others. She would have bigger boobs if she got some fat.
hey big natural boobs are just fine, as long a you don't plan to use them as your standard icon. When girls are showing their boobs for sexadds it's all very in your face and all I was doing was just trying to watch some show around 11 at night? I've seen porn less upfront about it.
At least with small boobs they don't have much to hold up and lick so you might get some butt but that's it. Not half as annoying.
Fake bobs are just bumps, you can easily buy a padded bra when you don't have boobs and then you can still be healthy and don't have to get operated on every ten years (at a minimum) for new implants. can you imagine being 70 and still having to get new boobs? I think by the time all the people with boobjobs will get their third boobjobs not too long from ow the scene will look less pretty. Then we get the reality of it.
Boobs lifts give you a lot of scarring and really guys wouldn't care. You do need a really good bra. But maybe when you loose some weight they will get smaller anyway and then gravity will have less of a hold on them. Mine are sagging too but i have bigger issues than that they do *smirkle*. They can still get hoisted in a not too big bra and looks fine in clothes.
Well, I liked him a bit like that too, it was an interesting character.
Billie Piper was not as skinny as many of the starved girls you see around in shows these days but she was still skinnier than she would naturally be. Especially if you realise the camera adds a lot of weight.
I don't think the series was that much aimed towards guys, the storyline certainally wasn't but they did put in the nakedness and sex to keep the teen boys and boyfriends watching. Oh and the bi girls.
Have you ever seen the L Word? It's a drama show about lesbians and the story is for women, but you still get the sex scenes and pretty girls cast for the viewing pleasure of the men. It just boosts their ratings. Did anyone actually recall what Baywatch was about? But lots of guys were watching the trials and tribulations of the characters.
And sure I think about what I would do with money, all over lasic hair removal FTW! And maybe bleaching some darker spots on my skin (not freckles). When that is done and I've lost some weight I think I would be quite pleased with my non perfect saggy body.
And ofcourse your boobs will not suddenly shoot up to where the were when you were 13. But the sagging will be slowed and they will get less extra pull downwards. But how your boobs respond to loosing weight differs per woman. I do know it's better to loose weight when you are younger, I guess the skin still has more flexibility and can recover better. It just takes a while.
People who loose weight really fast often get lots of saggy skin, but that does get better in time. So not all saggy skin is going to just get worse.
Nope I never saw the L word. I watched about 3 minutes of Queer as Folk once!
Baywatch was a totally interesting drama realistically portraying the lives of surf life savers! I get what you mean though, I just wasn't 100% sure from what you said what you meant about Call Girl.
If you ever get this all over laser hair removal - you're keeping the hair on your head right :)
It's true what you say about skin elasticity. When you're older if you lose weight (even over a prolonged period) you are left with kilos of saggy skin which can only be removed via surgery. I feel really sorry for people who totally work their butt off getting rid of excess weight and then they still don't look socially acceptable because of all the skin. You could look at it from the POV that they should've lost the weight when they were younger or shouldn't have let it get like that in the first place but weight gain is a multifaceted issue and I think it's nasty blow... not of fate, maybe of the human body? that they be left with all the skin when they've worked so hard.
Which Queer as Folk? The American or the original Uk version? hehe (I bet there were at least two sexual references in those 3 min)
I'm keeping my headhair, eyelashes and eyebrows and most likely some around my privates. I'm not into the bare look. But the rest would be history, I don't need to be kept warm in winter by furry legs or underarms or any other strays.
It is a sad thing that really overweight people will not be able to get a bikini ready body back after all that hard work but on the other hand it's usually their own responsibility.
It's very popular these days to blame hormones, genetics or whatever but most really obese people also eat too much and don't move enough. Our genes haven't changed in the last 50 years, just what we eat and how much we move. It's also impossible to become 100 kilos overweight without at one time being 10 kilos overweight.
If someone doesn't notice and does something about it at 10, 30 or 40 kilos well then they pay a price for that. In many cases that means a real hit against their health and loose skin if they manage to take it off. Though the skin will be less baggy after a while most people will choose surgery before that. hell they choose surgery to lose weight too because many doctors say it is impossible to loose huge amaunt without it.
Which is totally not true and people who get the surgery still have to do all the work, work out and obsess over food. It's not really all it's cracked up to be.
OMG Brad Pitt in the Curious Case of Benjamin Button - his take on that accent made me want to poke my eardrums with a knitting needle. Note: I am not a Brad Pitt person.
I liked Slumdog Millionaire - especially the part where the kid saved his photo from the shit so he could get it signed. I thought that was cute (if not disgusting). Did you catch the lead actors accent slipping up? He's British and quite often I heard his accent slip up. It is very sad, but at least they get together in the end.
Australia - no kidding? Go see it? Do you like Nicole Kidman or saw it despite of Nicole Kidman (we are Nicole Kidman haters).
About the kitties under the fence - is this to stop them getting into that persons backyard? If so I'd leave them there. Some people have small animals they don't want eaten by cats, some people have really bad allergies and some people just don't want cat's digging up their garden to poo in it. Also you probably don't want to start a conflict, if they don't want them in their backyard that's their perrogative, and some people really don't like cats. Of course if they're blocking it so they can't get out into your yard onto the street or something that's a different story.
Dorothy Jane - If it was written or thought like she was saying it, maybe she was just stupid and didn't actually know how tall she was!
It's my own garden, therefor my prerogative if I want to let kitties in. Not that it made much difference because the cats just use other gaps or climb over the fence. The neighbours don't want them in their garden because they have pigeons and they have put up wire and extra fencing along the wall and fence that runs between our gardens but they themselves have a garden fence that is low and has huge gaps so any cat can still get in. Easier than into my garden.
So the whole trying to stop my own cat from getting out and other cats coming in my garden makes no sense at all. As if all kitties in the neighbourhood get into their garden from mine...
My granny panties are the most comfortable ones I have and as long as no one is going to see them i tend to wear them all the time. The ones that have lost their stretch are bad for my periods though. But in general they are better for the flora down there, the cuter uncomfortable ones are too synthetic to absorb enough and don't let air through.
I'm not a Brad Pitt person either but I can stand him, same goes for Nicole Kidman but it really depends on the movie. If the story is good enough I cans till enjoy it. Which is not the case with quite a few other actors, like Antony Hopkins.
I know the boy from Slumdog Millionaire was british, I'm bad with accents though so when he spoke more british it didn't bother me. I though the movie was utterly depressing. Especially his brother betraying him and raping the girl and all that.
Dorothy Jane does look shortish but she suposed to be young so I didn't think about it. But when looking at the numbers it's not something you would run into much around here. Most girls get their periods earlier than age 14 and they stop growing taller around that time.
Hm I just checked the actress height, she is 5'2" now and she wasn't completely developed at the start of the series. So it's possible she grew an inch afterwards, but the line in the script may just have been a bit of a creative licence thing with the truth.
Maybe the neighbours think you're cats aren't sterilised and think that if they can stop cats going into your garden it will prevent more cats - but that seems dumb if there's plenty of access and the fences are low. Maybe they think they're helping you confine your cats to your garden? Maybe they're just strange :P I think your logic works well 'As if all kitties in the neighbourhood get into their garden from mine...' - that sounds like what they think, like that because you have cats this attracts other cats and then they see the pigeons - it's a bit of twisted logic but would be a million times more logical if they patched their fence.
You should sit by the hole until they patch it again, and as they do it, push down the tile and then stick you eye right up to the hole so if they come back to put the tile back they will think your completely nuts and leave you alone. Also it would probably scare the shit out of them! Or leave a note 'This hole is a special kitty portal leading directly into nextdoors back yard - please leave open to allow kitties free access to pigeon yummies'
Why don't you like Antony Hopkins? I hate Nicole Kidman because she can't act and looks stupid while trying, I don't like Brad Pitt because it seems most people just like him because he's hot and I don't think he's hot and then there's ones I don't like because of personal life stuff (like Tom Cruise) and I find the furore surrounding Dinsey actors to be dumb, therefore I tend to think the people are dumb (even though I never watch anything they're in!) and also they tend to leak half nekkid pictures of themselves on the internet which makes me think they're immature (when they go on about wanting to be taken seriously). Who else don't you like?
Most, if not all the cats come from a house on the corner of the next street. All our gardens face eachother with a path running inbetween them. Most gardens have very low fencing or bushes. My fence is actually one of the tallest around, but there is a gap running along the bottom.
The cats ofcourse go in all gardens and mostly use the path to move around. If they want to go to my garden they have to walk along the path, skip the garden with the pigeons (their fence is a few poles like picked white fence?) and then come hang out with me. On the whole the simple fact that my garden is a safe zone for all those cats to hang out means they spend less time in the garden with the pigeoncoop.
Mickey is not an attraction for them, he just tolerates them and shares his garden. He gets to roam where he wants and I've even seen him suck upto some neighbours a few houses over in the catrow. If the cats are on the path at the back of the gardens they are basically free to step in any yard they want. Obviously those people were catfriendly.
I am thinking of making a bigger hole along the bottom of the fence to make the cats getting in and out a little easier. There is no reason for anyone to object because the hole will just lead to the path, not anyone's yard. Plus my own cat isn't interested in pigeons, other people's cats are not my responsibility. They do skip on the neutering and spaying I believe though I haven't yet detected a babybump with Mommacat.
I think Antony Hopkins always hurries his lines and always sounds the same way because of it. then it doesn't matter what character he plays it's just always Anthony Hopkins.
The actors I tend to like as actors are the ones who I can't recognise from one role to the next. Like Christopher Bale.
I hate Jenifer Lopez, lots of the cast of Friends, Julia Roberts though I do watch some of her movies I think she's still ew. Madonna should never do interviews let alone movies. And actually quite a few other celebrities suffer from the fact that people think they play good parts so they must be riveting in person too, most actors are disappointing when it comes to their personal life. I think it has something to do with the amaunt of people becoming actors because they want to be famous, you always get the sort of "whorish" personality types. They like fads.
Oh yeah 'Jenny from the Block' is annoying! I wonder if Ben Affleck dies if he ever happens to glimpse himself in that video clip. 'Friends' are annoying too and think they can act in movies because they were in TV for years. I don't mind Julia Roberts - I really like 'Erin Brokovich' and Maddonnas just.... I think she is in denial that she's getting older. Please no more leotards. I find pretty much all talk show hosts really annoying. Even Oprah. I just don't Americans' obsession with her. One of my most hated people is Vince Donofrio from ones of those NCIS/SVU whatever shows. I just can't stand him. Looking at his face on the TV makes me angry! I just inexplicably hate him. Some people you just do though don't you - something about their face makes you distrust them or not like them.
I'm hesitant to call it malicious intent. It's also a bit too dumb to be that. Maybe they think I am trying to keep my cat in or other cats out I just don't know. So far the tiles haven't been replaced and soon I'm going to put down some gravel on the outside so it's clear I gave the place some attention.
Ben Affleck is horrible too, as is his sidekick whathisname again. Though I do like that movie in which they are evil angels and you have Jay and Silent Bob.
I liked Erin Brockovich too. Madonna is mainly a deluded bitch who can't even pretend to be nice because you see right through it. Her openmouthed dancing is rather desperate by now but with clothes on she still looks good. Hm it does always remind me of Kylie Minogue who was popular at the same time but she is much prettier now, at least body wise.
I like talkshows but they never get really deep enough for me. they often ask the wrong questions.
Vince Donofrio doesn't annoy me but he should really be more healthy and stay slim. i only see him in Law&Order. But that other guy from Law&Order who plays MrBig in Sex&The City I find repulsive...he's so yuck. I hate his face.
The other thing I hate on tv is plastic boobs, I don't like the natural ones much either but at least they are not fake. There are so many phonesex adds with accompanying naked girls and boobs. Now if they were only small natural boobs, it would be less obscene.
What people get into their heads to feel proud of plastic bags under their skin I'll never know.
(The comment has been removed)
The trouble with Oz is that the character are so burned in your brain once you see them raping guys and being raped. And next thing you know you see them all the time on Law&Order, it's spookie to say the least. It's like they all made an appearance. They had the same cuts between scenes too so I guess the creator or directer just really liked these actors.
Madonna looks her age in that pic but more because she is trying to be so skinny, when your skin looses to age the worst thing you can do is try to remove all fat from your body. It just makes teh whole thing look more limp. But she does plastic surgery too so she would most likely just get a facelift. She should just grow old gracefully and put some clothes on.
Ofcourse we see Billy Pipers boobs and her naked body a lot, the show is about callgirls and the men don't watch to see her drama dealing with her boyfriends and all the lies she tells herself and others. She would have bigger boobs if she got some fat.
hey big natural boobs are just fine, as long a you don't plan to use them as your standard icon. When girls are showing their boobs for sexadds it's all very in your face and all I was doing was just trying to watch some show around 11 at night? I've seen porn less upfront about it.
At least with small boobs they don't have much to hold up and lick so you might get some butt but that's it. Not half as annoying.
Fake bobs are just bumps, you can easily buy a padded bra when you don't have boobs and then you can still be healthy and don't have to get operated on every ten years (at a minimum) for new implants. can you imagine being 70 and still having to get new boobs? I think by the time all the people with boobjobs will get their third boobjobs not too long from ow the scene will look less pretty. Then we get the reality of it.
Boobs lifts give you a lot of scarring and really guys wouldn't care. You do need a really good bra. But maybe when you loose some weight they will get smaller anyway and then gravity will have less of a hold on them. Mine are sagging too but i have bigger issues than that they do *smirkle*. They can still get hoisted in a not too big bra and looks fine in clothes.
(The comment has been removed)
Billie Piper was not as skinny as many of the starved girls you see around in shows these days but she was still skinnier than she would naturally be. Especially if you realise the camera adds a lot of weight.
I don't think the series was that much aimed towards guys, the storyline certainally wasn't but they did put in the nakedness and sex to keep the teen boys and boyfriends watching. Oh and the bi girls.
Have you ever seen the L Word? It's a drama show about lesbians and the story is for women, but you still get the sex scenes and pretty girls cast for the viewing pleasure of the men. It just boosts their ratings. Did anyone actually recall what Baywatch was about? But lots of guys were watching the trials and tribulations of the characters.
And sure I think about what I would do with money, all over lasic hair removal FTW! And maybe bleaching some darker spots on my skin (not freckles). When that is done and I've lost some weight I think I would be quite pleased with my non perfect saggy body.
And ofcourse your boobs will not suddenly shoot up to where the were when you were 13. But the sagging will be slowed and they will get less extra pull downwards. But how your boobs respond to loosing weight differs per woman. I do know it's better to loose weight when you are younger, I guess the skin still has more flexibility and can recover better. It just takes a while.
People who loose weight really fast often get lots of saggy skin, but that does get better in time. So not all saggy skin is going to just get worse.
Baywatch was a totally interesting drama realistically portraying the lives of surf life savers! I get what you mean though, I just wasn't 100% sure from what you said what you meant about Call Girl.
If you ever get this all over laser hair removal - you're keeping the hair on your head right :)
It's true what you say about skin elasticity. When you're older if you lose weight (even over a prolonged period) you are left with kilos of saggy skin which can only be removed via surgery. I feel really sorry for people who totally work their butt off getting rid of excess weight and then they still don't look socially acceptable because of all the skin. You could look at it from the POV that they should've lost the weight when they were younger or shouldn't have let it get like that in the first place but weight gain is a multifaceted issue and I think it's nasty blow... not of fate, maybe of the human body? that they be left with all the skin when they've worked so hard.
I'm keeping my headhair, eyelashes and eyebrows and most likely some around my privates. I'm not into the bare look. But the rest would be history, I don't need to be kept warm in winter by furry legs or underarms or any other strays.
It is a sad thing that really overweight people will not be able to get a bikini ready body back after all that hard work but on the other hand it's usually their own responsibility.
It's very popular these days to blame hormones, genetics or whatever but most really obese people also eat too much and don't move enough. Our genes haven't changed in the last 50 years, just what we eat and how much we move. It's also impossible to become 100 kilos overweight without at one time being 10 kilos overweight.
If someone doesn't notice and does something about it at 10, 30 or 40 kilos well then they pay a price for that. In many cases that means a real hit against their health and loose skin if they manage to take it off. Though the skin will be less baggy after a while most people will choose surgery before that. hell they choose surgery to lose weight too because many doctors say it is impossible to loose huge amaunt without it.
Which is totally not true and people who get the surgery still have to do all the work, work out and obsess over food. It's not really all it's cracked up to be.
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