Am I supposed to come back from the Circuit Assembly feeling nauseous? Hm, maybe it's because I went without lunch and then ate half a bag of those crunchy asian rice snacks? Anyway, the District Overseer was is a very good speaker. Maybe the only speaker worth noting... But the information was good! (nice save, Stephan)
Perhaps some of you have already noticed my lack of links so far. Well, guess what? I'm nauseous. That's right. You didn't think of that, did you? In fact, I'm so nauxious, I don't even know if I'm spelling nachos right.
fhgwghads. (Okay, just the one)
Moriah told me the funniest story. Apparently, her diabolical little brother Mark got some... guy to want to beat me up. We're going to jam at Kristin's house on Friday. Oh, and by the way, if I had been on a linking frenzy I would've so linked the word "jam" to a Bob Marley mp3. That would've been so much cooler than linking to a picture of a jar of jam. Ugh. I'm done. I'm way to naasiodfzkxcjxsseous to continue this entry. I wish shadowdragon would finish that Xanga layout already...