meme stolen from katespace

Sep 15, 2005 08:07

In the last 24 hours, have you:

1. Had sex: No. :o(
2. Bought something: Yes, the Cabo Chicken sub at Quizno's..mmmmm...

3. Gotten sick: No

4. Sang:  Of course I did. That is my job at Gymboree.
5. Been kissed: Yup. Good Night and Good Morning
6. Ate something: Sure, split pea soup and grilled cheese sandwich w/ tomato for dinner, the sub for lunch, and a bowl of cereal for breakfast- that's in reverse order obviously.
7. Felt stupid: No, I don't think so.
8. Talked to an ex: No, not in many years.
9. Missed someone: No.

Last person who....

1. Slept in your bed: Eric, but he hates it when I say my bed- it's OUR bed.
2. Saw you cry: Eric.
3. Made you cry: Mother Nature- (pms...grrrrr.)
4. Went to the movies with: Eric.
5. You went to the mall with: Abby- school shopping.

Have You Ever...

1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: Absolutely- way too many times.
2. Got in a fight with your pet: No, they don't really fight back, but I do yell at this friggin cat that I live with when the old biddy keeps making the most god-awful howling/ whining noise- it drives me bonkers.
3. Been to California: Nope.
4. Been to Mexico: Nope.
6. Been to Canada: Nope.
7. Been to Europe: Nope.  I obviously don't get out much.


1. Do you have a crush on someone: No.
2. What book are you reading now: Martha Stewarts Good Things at Tag Sales and Flea Markets (big flea market coming up this Sunday at the fairgrounds! WOO HOO!)
3. Worst feeling in the world: a broken heart.
4. Future KIDS names: thinking maybe Calvin (after Calvin and Hobbes) for a boy, but no idea for a girl.
5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope.
6. What's under your bed: Not much since it is a NEW BED and I haven't stuffed anything under there...yet..
7. Favorite sports to watch: FOOTBALL.
8. Location: Ossipee, N.H.
9. Piercing/Tattoos: regular two in earlobes, and 2 in right eyebrow- love those.
10. Do you drink: Very rarely.
11. What are you most scared of right now: Spiders- I can't wait for the cold weather- then ALL the bugs GO AWAY.
12. Where do you want to get married: Planning on the Daniel Webster Estate in Marshfield, but mom (the wallet) seems to be veering away from that. :o(.
13. Who do you really hate: Bill Last. Long Story.
14. Do you have a job: Yup, two that I love very much- Teacher at Gymboree (also the Baby Signs Teacher there) and Nanny for a set of 13 week old twin girls. I am also a Professional Face Painter/ Special F/X Artist on the side (pays GREAT!)
15. Do you like being around people: Most of the time, yes, but sometimes I like to be alone.
16. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: Yes.
17. Have you ever cried: Oh Hell yes.
18. Are you lonely right now: Nope.
19. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: All of the Gymboree songs- but it is my job to remember them so it's actually good to get them stuck in my head.
21. Played strip poker: No, and I've never played regular poker either- weird, huh?
22. Gotten beaten up: No, but I have beaten others up. I was a tough cookie in high school.
23. Done an all-nighter: Yes, most recent was a face painting gig for the local high school's Grad Night Live where the graduating seniors go to the high school all night for activities instead of going out and getting smashed and getting into trouble or worse, accidents. So I did face painting for them from 10pm till 5am. It's a lot of fun. (see my site:
24. Been on radio/TV: radio, but only cause I love my radio station (107.3 WAAF) and I am a doofus who loves to call in a lot. :o)
25. Been in a mosh-pit: HELL YES. Beat this one: I was in the pit at a Biohazard/ SlapShot/ Sick Of It All show back in 1993- the peak of a skinhead era. I was right in front of the stage in the middle of the pit for at least 3/4 of the show- I even got kicked in the head by a steel-toed Doc. Funny how I take such pride in that.
26. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: Friends? No, but many family members- ie: my daughter's grandmother. (NOT MY mother.) Yikes.

27. Was this worth your time: Yeah, it was ok.

I love these things. And they are usually too long for me to sit and do cause I am obviously very chatty, but this one seemed short enough. Now I'm off to go play with the twins. :o)
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